Bonus (Post Epilogue)

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Bonus! Isolation is both igniting and condemning my muse. What a trip. :)


My eyes shot open and in a handful of seconds, I was out of our bed and dashing across the room to our bathroom. I threw the door open and made a dive bomb for the toilet, just in time to empty out last night's dinner.

A handful of seconds passed before Obito appeared beside me, a warm hand stroking up and down my back. When I was finished, he handed me a paper towel to wipe away the drool and I gave a low groan. "I knew I shouldn't have had that fish! Naruto warned me something wanky was going on with their fish."
"You were queasy yesterday morning, too," Obito said, his brows creased with concern. "Maybe you should see a doctor. Today."

I waved my hand in a dismissive manner, moving to the sink to brush my teeth. "You worry too much. It's just food poisoning."

Haiiromaru and Shiromaru padded into our bathroom, exchanging looks. Haiiromaru moved towards me, bumping his head against my thigh. "I don't know, Mia. Maybe you should."

"You smell funny," Shiromaru barked, cocking his head and bumping against me on my other side. Obito frowned at his words.

"I'm scheduling you an appointment this afternoon," Obito decided.

I sighed. "Fine. But it's just going to be a waste of time."

Haiiromaru gave a whine. "I hate the doctors!"

"No," I said, "you hate the vet. Doctors are vets for humans. He's not going to examine you."

He perked up immediately, his tail wagging furiously. "Oh. That's okay, then."

I snorted and Obito cracked a small smile. When I was done brushing my teeth (and Obito went ahead and did his, too), the two of us traversed to the kitchen.

"I have several more meetings today with the Akatsuki. We've almost finished the plans for the westward expedition," Obito said, grinning widely at that. The Elemental Nations had always been curious of the continent in the West, but never had it been peaceful enough that a full-blown expedition was thought possible. All of the villages had been coming together and planning this. The Akatsuki would actually be leading the expedition along with many shinobi and kunoichi from each of the villages.

Obito was taking a leading part in it due to his transportation abilities. Should an emergency happen, he could instantly take the crew out of it and bring them back home.

"Okay," I said, moving to the fridge and beginning to pull out some ingredients.

Our kitchen window opened, and I didn't even look up as Kakashi climbed through the window.

"Good morning," Kakashi greeted casually.

"Morning," Obito yawned, moving over to the stove to assist me in making breakfast. "After breakfast, I just need to get dressed and then I'm heading out. Do you mind scheduling Mia for a doctor's appointment, and making sure she actually goes there, today, please?"

Kakashi nodded his head at this. "Don't worry. I'll take her there personally."

"I'm right here," I whined,

Obito rolled his eyes. "If Kakashi didn't escort you, you'd just go to the park and play with the dogs all day, citing you forgot."

I pouted, not refuting that.


It didn't take long to make or eat breakfast. Afterwards, Obito and I kissed (okay, maybe a teeny-tiny bit more of a kiss... just a little bit...) each other goodbye, while Kakashi left the house to set up the appointment.

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