Part II - Pictures and X

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Disclaimer: Only Mia is mine in this story.

Warning: Uh. Innuendos.

Beta: featherstofly

Second Beta: Lavendor Queen


I gave a jaw-breaking yawn, glaring tiredly at the person in front of me.

Kakashi merely gave me his eye-smile.

"Why am I here again?" I asked, yawning again. My voice sounded husky and a bit cracked at the end.

"Because I need the company."

I gave him a venomous look.

"... Because you're my best friend."

It was turning mutinous at this point.

"... Because Gai found out where you live and was going to pester you all day."

I relaxed, shifting a bit on Kakashi's couch.

"When are you and Sasuke-chan leaving to train?" I inquired, yawning for hopefully the final time that early, early morning.

"Some time later today," Kakashi replied. "... Why don't you sleep with pants on?"

I gave him a blank look. "I don't know. Why do most men I know sleep in nothing but their boxers? Be happy I sleep in underwear, at least."

"I'm not complaining," Kakashi said, handing me a cup of warm tea. He then sat down across from me in his own living room chair, holding his own cup of tea. "I was just curious, actually."

"You have a weird sense of curiosity," I informed him.

Kakashi shrugged, unminding.

"Thanks for rescuing me, by the way," I said dryly. "Even if it is... way... too... earl—how in the hell are you up at this time anyway?"

"The sun is up, so I am, too, and you're welcome. Besides, I still kind of owe you for the tickets—backstage passes, too?!"

I shrugged. "As far as I'm concerned, we're even. I've been able to read the first book and damn. That thing is just... friggin' amazing. Thanks so much for loaning it to me." (1*)

"Yeah, well..."

We lapsed into comfortable silence, until...

"Shit. Did either of us leave a note for Naruto?"

"Uh... Nope."

"Jiraiya's and my son is going to kill me. Then Anko's and my daughter is going to have to resurrect me, and then our son is going to kill me again for not remembering to leave a note—again—because Naruto is going to wake him up at an ungodly hour and he'll be pissed as hell, and—"

"We have a son?"

I briefly recalled my words with Tsume, my promise to her in attempting to coerce Kakashi into joining our little family.

"Sasuke-chan. Naruto-chan and Sakura-chan mentioned he felt more relaxed around you than any other adult besides me, so that automatically makes you the father."

"I don't recall agreeing to this."

"You don't want to be Sasuke-chan's surrogate father?"

"That's not it, well, kind of... I mean... I..."

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