"Ding dong." A voice erupted from the front door, and it immediately brought a grin to my face.

"Speaking of the devil..." Nick smirked in my direction as Harry came into view.

"Why am I the devil?" My boyfriend questioned confusedly, standing behind the couch and sliding his arms around my shoulders. My hands slid up and rested on his wrists, his chin on the top of my head.

"It was nice cuddling with you this morning. We should do it again some time." Nick winked, earning an eye roll from me.

"I want my key back. Harry deserves it more than you." I said, but he ignored my request and proceeded to flip me off while Harry dipped his head down and pressed a kiss to the side of my neck.

"Wait, what?" Riley cut in, sitting up straight and looking between my eyes and the pair above me. "You two are back together?"

Smiling, I nodded slowly.

"For how long? How did I not know this?" She exclaimed in disbelief.

"Just a few days. I thought Zayn told you guys already." I shrugged. "Nick's story made it pretty obvious too."

Riley looked over at Zayn, who was glancing at different parts of the room to avoid her eyes.


Zayn finally met her gaze and frowned. "See how shitty it feels to feel like your best friend is hiding a relationship from you?"

Riley tensed up and mirrored his frown while Harry and I immediately caught on to what Zayn said.

Nick sensed the awkwardness that grew between them and stood up, clapping his hands together excitedly.

"Who's ready to go the carnival?"

• • •

Harry, Zayn, and I rode in the same car while Nick, Louis, and Riley rode in another.

We were now all walking around the fair after we had gotten our wristbands and it was pretty nice outside. Not too hot, but not too cold either.

My hand was clasped in Harry's as we walked alongside Zayn, who was going on a rant about Riley.

"I don't understand why she is so scared of telling you guys. You're not upset about it." He frowned, looking ahead to see Riley, Nick and Louis walking towards one of the rides that swing you around in the air.

I've never been a big fan of these fairs. I only came for Nick because I knew he loved coming. Sure, in high school I had some fun times here, but I eventually started to hate these poorly maintained rides. They are never cleaned so it's basically a traveling disease center. Not only that, but the parts are carried in a van and assembled in just a couple days? Sounds like a death wish.

"Would it make you feel better if I talked to her today?" I asked him, a little concerned to see him so down. He must really like her.

"It would, actually."

"Okay. Once they are done with this ride, I will talk to her." I smiled, patting his shoulder with my free hand. "Now go have fun."

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