𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙬𝙤

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I watched Eden look at Tre in awe as him, Billie and Mike laughed about some immature joke one of them had said.

Tre never noticed, he was obvious. Because this wasn't the first time Eden had sat absolutely fascinated by the stupid things that fall out his mouth.

Eden had sorta been doing it for a while. But I guess like every siblings it's a rule you can't have your friends date your brother or sister. So nothing between them had ever happened, but that didn't stop Eden from day dreaming.

"That didn't happen," I said to them rolling my eyes.

Billie was quick to look over at me. "Yes it did!"

"Hmmmm, alright then Billie Joe,"

"It did!" He protested. He looked over at Tre and Mike to help him defend his point.

They looked back at him confused on what he wanted. Before Mike clicked on and looked back over at me. "Yeah It did,"

Ollie walked in as she looked over at Eden. Eden sighed loudly. "Again?"

"In your room,"

"In my room!?" She shouted standing straight up. She ran out of the living room as Ollie followed her. Hearing her making it up the stairs and then dramatically screaming.

Billie and I laughed as Mike and Tre were sat confused. "What's happened again?" Tre asked Billie.

"The dog," I answered.

"You guys have a dog?" Mike asked surprised.

"Since yesterday yes," Billie replied. "Thanks to Eden and Birdie,"

"It was Eden who wanted the puppy, I think she must've underestimated the fact that it would shit on her bed,"

After around ten minutes of me being stuck with Billie, Mike and Tre. Eden came back into the room looking unhappy and miserable.

"Blaze, come on," she said, looking over at me standing in the doorway.

I pushed myself up off of the carpet confused as I stood up. "Where are we going?"

"Out, before it shits again,"

"I'm not cleaning it up if it does," Billie muttered.

I stood still looking over at her. A puzzled look spread across my face.

She sighed loudly walking over to me and yanking me by my arm, her fingers tightly strapped around my wrist as she pulled me away from the living room and to the front door.

"Ow!" I whined as she let go fumbling for her keys.

"Wait!" We heard Billie shouted. He opened the living room door and jogged over to me as I sighed slightly.

Flicking me on the end of my nose. "There, now you can go." He walked back away into the living room where he had left his two friends.

"Why does he always have to do that?" Eden muttered as she finally got the door open and we left the house begging to walk down the streets.

"So where are we going?" I asked her.

"Anywhere, I don't care. I can't deal with that dog shitting all over the place,"

"You wanted the dog, it'll learn to do it outside,"

"I know I wanted her, she's so cute and adorable but oh my god how does she manage to do that much of a mess?"

I laughed slightly as we carried on walking. No where in particular apparently.

After a while of walking up and down random streets and turning corners going to no destination in particular we made it to the arcades, where Eden and I always sorta hung out, making our way to the very back of the building where the games where we actually enjoyed playing and wasting our money on.

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