Chapter 24

709 11 12

Third Person POV

On August 5th a large group of monsters comes.

Well not large large.

About 2,000 maybe more, maybe less.

They win, of course.

The campers and Chaos soldiers, not the monsters.

Annabeth Chase died in that battle.

She got distracted when someone called her name and was stabbed in the back.

Literally. A monster ran a sword through her back, she wasn't stabbed through the back metaphorically.

Thought she did stab someone in the back. Some camper she killed before she was killed. Actually funny enough it was that guy who she cheated on Percy with. Pretty sure it was an accident.

Clarisse La Rue died in that battle as well.

She fought wonderfully, almost perfectly.


Until she was surrounded by too many monsters, and then killed.

The hunters had came to help them during battle, unfortunately they arrive too late.

They arrive right after the battle on August 5th ends.

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