Chapter 7

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WARNING: Not so nice language :p

(ight so... yall are about to hate me more Q-Q)

George glanced at his phone screen. Lea was here. Good. He needed someone to talk to. On his way down to the lobby, he received many worried glances and a few people asking if he needed help. Well, it made sense. He was still crying. When had he started crying? He wasn't sure, but it had happened. He ignored them all the way until he met up with Lea, who shot him a worried look and quickly embraced him.

"What happened Georgie?" She asked, looking up at him as she examined his face. George just motioned to the people around them and began to walk towards the exit. They walked in silence for a while, the air heavy. Eventually, they reached a park, and George sat down on a bench, motioning for lea to join him. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"I... I really like someone, Lea. But I saw them with someone else... and it hurts. It hurts a lot."

She looked at him understandingly. "Whoever she is, she doesn't deserve you," She said quietly, though there was some fire behind her words. She spoke up a bit. "You're kind, and funny, and sweet, and if someone doesn't see that, then you shouldn't waste your time on them."

George stared at her for a second, unsure where she was going with this. He thought about saying something but was cut off by a quick peck on the lips. He froze. Deep down, he had always known that she had liked him. He had never felt that way about her. But he also knew that when he closed his eyes, he could almost imagine it had been Clay who had kissed him. He knew it was wrong to use Lea like that, but wouldn't she be happier with him? Wouldn't it be worse if he rejected her?

Lea took a deep breath. "George... will you be my boyfriend?"

He closed his eyes and imagined it was his best friend looking down and saying those words to him, and a small smile formed on his face. "Of course."

(a/n I am prepared to die once again)


As they had planned, the Minecraft Youtubers, and also that one other girl, went out to dinner that night. And, because it is the best thing to eat with a large group of friends, they got Korean BBQ (best food to eat with friends or family btw). George made a point to sit as far from Clay as possible as well as sitting right next to Lea and flirting with her. It didn't feel right. It wasn't the same as flirting in videos with Dream. There were no real feelings. No excitement. But he wanted to make him jealous, or at least regret something. Just maybe.

After seeing George with his arm around Lea, the blonde boy laid his head on Wilbur's shoulder and talked to him, glancing at his best friend talking to a girl out of the corner of his eye. Nothing felt okay. He was lying to Wilbur and himself, and to George of course. But that girl was probably George's girlfriend anyway. There was no use trying.

"Hey, you gonna eat?" Bad asked, passing a bowl of rice towards him.

"Uh, yeah," Clay lifted his head from Wilbur's shoulder and tried to focus on eating. He ended up zoning out and was surprised when he felt a tap on his head.

Wilbur looked at him and giggled. "You were daydreaming or something," he laughed. "You said something about George?"

The blonde boy silently panicked but managed to look confused.

"Huh. I don't even know what I was doing," he replied, smiling. The taller boy smiled back and stood up.

Looking around, Clay noticed that everyone else had already begun to leave and only him, Wilbur, and Lea were still sitting at the table. Lea looked up from her phone and shot a glare at him. What was her problem? He didn't even know anything about her, besides that she was probably dating George. Well, then it was probably fair since he had a problem with her about that for no real reason.

He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair before standing up and walking out with Wilbur by his side. He was surprised when he felt the boy's hand slip into his. It was pleasant knowing that someone would be there for him, that somebody liked him. Still, he couldn't help but feel that it was one-sided. He wanted it to be George holding his hand. He wanted George to have kissed him. But George didn't like him. He probably didn't even like boys. So, the blonde tried to focus on what he had. Wilbur.

Lea had suggested that George stay at her family's place, which he agreed to, it would provide a convenient opportunity to let things become less awkward with Clay. However, he was shocked when as soon as they arrived at her room, she (a/n imsorryimsorryimsorry) locked the door, pushed him against the wall, and kissed him. George stood there, frozen, with his eyes wide, trying to comprehend what was happening.

Nononono. Stop. Stop it right now. What in the actual hell-

She leaned into him more, starting to tug at his shirt.

Stop. Stop. Stop. I don't want this.

"Lea." George gently pushed the puzzled looking girl away from him.

"What? I thought I was your girlfriend," She said, looking hurt.

"We've literally been dating for a day," the brunette replied, already exasperated.

"So what? I've wanted this for a long time. Haven't you? Don't you love me, George?"

He started to feel even more uncomfortable.

"Lea... this is wrong. You're such an important person to me, but I don't love you. I'm not even sure I like you. I'm not even sure I like girls," he finished, not realizing how loud he had gotten.

She just stood in front of him, examining his face with a look of concern. She finally spoke up.

"It's that Clay guy, isn't it. He's messing with you, George. He's using you. Don't you understand? I love you. I'm here for you. He probably just wants attention. Didn't you see how he was acting around that other guy? He's a slut. Just let it go."

George was once again shocked by his friend. Was she his friend? She sounded like a psychopath. What the hell was going on?

"Lea, I'm leaving. I'm not your boyfriend, and my best friend is not a slut. Please, don't try to talk to me." He walked out of the house, nearly collapsing when he made it outside.

What had he just done? He had no idea, he barely had the energy to walk the block to the hotel. He saw a little girl waiting as her parents checked into the hotel staring at him. He didn't care.

When George finally reached his room, he managed to knock on the door a few times, being greeted by an incredibly tired-looking Clay staring at him.


The taller boy was pushed back slightly when he was embraced. "Whoa. What happened?"

George attempted to speak, but gave up and just collapsed on the couch. He felt a hand brush his shoulder and a light blanket cover him, then everything went black.


Thank you guys so much for 500 reads btw ily :)

Um also please don't find where I live and kill me for what I have done and will do because HOOO BOY it gets worse don't you worry

Ok bye :D

Liar (gream/dreamnotfound)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora