Chapter 4

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 Clay woke up to the smell of bacon. He let out a small yawn and rubbed his eyes slowly. Looking around, he realized that he wasn't in his room. He was on the couch. How had that happened?

"Good morning, Dream." A familiar voice snapped him into reality. Fuck. What had he told George last night? George shoved a plate of bacon into his face.

"Eat this."

Clay smiled. "Thanks George."

He just received a glare in return.

"Stop being so polite, I'm supposed to be mad at you," George whined as he walked back into the kitchen.

"Why, aren't you happy to know what I look like? Am I that ugly?"

George stopped. "No, you're really-" He paused. "That's not important. Are you gonna tell me what you're doing here?

Clay sank into the couch a bit. He didn't have any reason to lie anymore, George wouldn't believe him. The younger boy sighed.

"Alright." He explained what had happened to his mom, not being able to pay full rent anymore, and wanting to be George's roommate. George seemed a bit flustered during the last part but Clay assumed that he was just surprised.

"Well, I'm not gonna kick you out, so I guess we're roommates now. I mean, at least we'll get some clout," George said as he handed Clay a cup of coffee.

"Wow, already thinking about clout?" The blonde asked as he chuckled.

"Yeah, we could do some vlogs or something. And maybe you could do a face reveallll," George said, dragging out the last word.

"George, I already told everyone that I wanted to do a face reveal at an event or something."

The older boy looked thoughtful. "How about we do something at vVdcon? We could have all of the Minecraft YouTubers meet up, that would be awesome!" He exclaimed.

Clay smiled. "Wow, I didn't know you could actually have good ideas, George."

George stuck his tongue out at Clay. He was just happy that they were back to playfully arguing with each other.

"Well," Clay started, "maybe we should tell our viewers about this before they find out on their own when you scream loud enough that it can be heard from my room,"

George rolled his eyes but prepared for a stream. Clay walked into his room and smiled to himself a bit when he saw a fanart of them on his wall. That was cute.

"Okay, so how are we gonna do this?" George said, opening their SMP.

"Eh, let's just go with the flow."

He turned on the stream and went into third-person view while rapidly hitting the shift key.

"Hey guys, so I'll wait for a second for everyone to get on the stream..." After a minute or two, George continued.

"Alright, so I've gathered here today to make a very important announcement. I finally got that roommate I've been looking for, and I think you guys might be familiar with him."

"Hey, guys, what's up?"

The chat went insane.

snapmap69: HAHAHA NO WAYYY

Bloodgod: it's a troll

Urmom77: dreamnotfound for lifeeee

thatonecrayon: potato

"George, they think it's a troll, should we turn on facecam?"

"Sure," He said as Dream moved out of frame besides his shoulder.

"See guys? I'm right here!" He stuck his arm out and waved at the camera.

Minecraftgod45: wiat what

thatonecrayon: potato


thatonecrayon: potato

"Well that's really all we have to tell you guys, so we'll see you later! We have a new video coming soon, so get ready for that. Bye!" George turned off the stream then looked at Clay. "That went well," he said, smiling sweetly at him.

The younger boy couldn't help but stare at him a little. He was adorable. What? No. Nope. No no no. He definitely did not think that. Their flirting had always just been for fun and for viewers' entertainment. He did not feel anything for George, that was impossible, right?

"What are you staring at, Dream?" George smirked at Clay. "Like what you see?"

The blonde boy had a seizure in his brain before smirking back at George.

"I could say the same about you, Georgie."

George turned red but laughed it off before forcing Dream to leave his room while he got ready for the day. He looked through his closet for a decent hoodie and decided on wearing his own merch. Why not? He also decided to organize his desk a bit and couldn't help but laugh when he found his 1.5-inch elephant under a stack of papers. He smiled, remembering all the funny memories he had with Dream. They were such good friends, he didn't want to mess it up with whatever he felt when he had seen Dream staring at his face, or when he said that George found him attractive. So he would try and ignore it.

(Spoiler alert, he doesn't manage for very long)

Hey guyssss

Thank you so much for reading and for 100+ reads, you guys are awesome

I know I don't really have an updating schedule, but this was still kinda late because of some family problems -_-

Anyway, thanks again and byeeeee

Liar (gream/dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now