Chapter 39

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After Annie and I's makeup, the rest of the week pretty much flys by rather quickly. Instead of joining the boys at lunch every day, Annie and I agree to hide in the library. When Olivier asks, I just tell him that we had gotten behind on our work after spending the entire holiday in Egypt instead of focusing on studying and piles of work that I had accumulated in my classes. It wasn't a complete lie, and Olivier buys it. I assume that he relays the message to the rest of the gents, who I don't really have the chance to see due to classes not overlapping and basketball taking up the rest of our time. I can tell Finley sees through my lie noticing that I am avoiding them. That's where he's wrong though. I am just avoiding him, but it seems to be the same due to their constant close proximity. Finley manages to leave me be, respectful of my distance towards him. A part of me wants things to go back to normal, but the other part of me is afraid of that. Afraid of getting hurt again. Afraid of the normalcy that means nothing to him but so much more to me. How can someone stay friends with someone when they want more? Why would I want to let my hopes up all for nothing.

I find myself staring at him hoping for reciprocation of some sort. Finley glances at me shyly, his eyebrows raised together as though he's going to pose a question, but balks. I tear my eyes away from looking back to my notes attempting to focus on my work. Love isn't dependent on reciprocity. But it sure would help. I wish that's what Cleopatra would have warned me about. I wished she would have warned me about the frailty of my own heart. Wishing the goddess Isis herself would have taught me how to guard not my physical body, but my heart too. For I think even the darkest and most frightening creatures would never pose as great a fret to someone than anything that can penetrate the heart.


Days pass by quickly, and the night of the dance approaches.

I have a mixture of emotions about this formal ball. A part of me is excited for some reason. Maybe because it's a chance to dress up and try to bring me some relief from the sad state I've let myself sit in. The other part of me is nervous because I have never particularly cared for dances. They always seemed to be awkward. My close girl friends always managed to convince a guy that happened to be friends with their dates to ask me to go with him. A guy that I barely knew or spoken with. Pictures were uncomfortable. You were forced to buy a boutonniere and accept a corsage as though to honor someone you barely knew. Dinner was typically filled with an awkward exchange of dull conversations. And dancing was never my forte. With slow dancing, I always seemed to step on toes or trip over myself or my date. Then when the D.J. decided to play the latest hits, I always felt so foolish even attempting to dance like all the girls who were very comfortable with letting their wild sides show as though they had practiced their moves in the mirror for years. Though, I'm hoping this dance is more formal than your average homecoming dance and maybe even prom, so it might actually be an event to actually enjoy.

I stand staring into my own mirror gazing at my reflection. I'm wearing a baby blue dress with a deep v in the front that comes together, tailored at my waist. The satin skirt of the dress reaches the floor, but there's a long slit from right below my waist to the floor on the left side. The back side of the dress plunges low and is mainly open besides the few laces weaved to hold the dress in place. My mom took me to a salon to have my hair and makeup done. My hair cascades down the sides of my face and down my back, blown out in thick voluminous curls. My face was contoured and highlighted with makeup to enhance my features. I felt surprisingly regal, like a true queen – one that might be deemed beautiful even without the additional help of a goddess. I brushed my dress carefully in the mirror before heading out my bedroom door.

"Aiden's here," my mom calls me. I walk down the stairs slowly but steadily managing to not fall down the stairs in my silver heels. Olivier just stares me from the foyer watching me in sheer shock, a deer in highlights apparently.

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