Chapter 19

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That afternoon, we got to meet Grey's parents at a café for an early lunch. Grey leads the way following directions on his phone. It's less than a mile from our hotel, so we decide to walk instead of trying to flag down a cab for us to squish in. The boys are all dressed in polos and nice slacks. Annie and I both are wearing skirts that go to our ankles, rib knit t-shirts, and vans. Grey told us to dress more than casual but not super fancy, since we were seeing his parents.

"We're here," Grey announces, and I look up to read the sign that reads the Naguib Mahfouz Café in white chalk. The café is seated at the corner between two streets and has a patio area for outside seating. Two figures start to approach Grey which I assume are his parents.

"Greyson, honey," the woman exclaims, embracing him in a warm hug. The man gives him a soft pat on the back. His parents turn towards us. Grey's mom runs her hands through her hair while his dad flashes us this perfect pearly white smile. They were not what I expected. I thought since his parents were history nerds that well they would look old and nerdy. The kind of people that are interviewed for a world history documentary that puts you to sleep rambling on and on about stuff no one cares about not to mention the historian always seems to be sitting there talking in the back of a huge library as if the scenery will prove his expertise.

His parents were nothing like that. His father reminded me of John Stamos, the Greek actor from Full House who seemed to be ageless. His hair was slicked back in the same manner, and he was dressed in a casual navy suit. His mother looked like an older Reese Witherspoon. Her hair was done in thick blonde curls cascading down to her shoulders. She was rocking a blazer and pants with suede heels. She looked as though she could be on the cover of Forbes Magazine for hundred most powerful women. Now I understood where Grey got his good looks from. Not that I liked Grey like that, it's just he had definitely inherited some good genes. You have to give credit when credit is due.

"Aiden, Olivier, Finley, and Henri," Grey's mom exclaims loudly welcoming them with warm hugs. She was clearly thrilled to see them.

"And you must be Ray, the darling Grey has been talking about," Grey's mom squeezes me in warm embrace. Grey's been talking about me to his mother. I'm surprised. I never thought my name would come out of his mouth unless it was to tease me in person.

"I'm Genevie Salvago and this is my sweet husband Adrian," Grey's mom says introducing her and her husband.

"Nice to meet you," I say as his father extends a hand to shake mine. "And this my friend Annie" beckoning Annie forward from where she was standing behind me watching in silence.

"Aw, so nice to meet you too darling," Grey's mom exclaims as she pulls her into a hug. "This is so wonderful. I'm so glad that you all came with Grey to visit. Egypt is so wonderful, especially Cairo, a city filled with much excitement and history."

We end up sitting at a long table on the patio outside. Grey leans back in his chair clearly comfortable, yet surprisingly not embarrassed by his parents' presence. Then again how could you be that embarrassed by them when they looked as though they belonged at Vogue's annual Met Gala.

"You have to try the tea here, it's spectacular," Grey's mom declares as the waiter passes us menus and silverware rolls. Another waiter comes and immediately serves us these fresh rolls similar to pita bread and water to start us off. I start skimming through the descriptions below each dish on the menu while trying to listen to Grey's mom telling us about their time in Egypt so far.

"Oh, don't worry about trying to figure out what to get, we'll just order a collection of things to share," Grey's mom says before continuing her story. Apparently, they have been to Egypt since right before we started school in September. They are supposed to be here until November working on an archaeology excavation about Ramses II one of the most powerful pharaohs of the New Kingdom in Egypt. This is their third time in Egypt over the past seven years, often leaving Grey back in the United Kingdom to stay with friends as they go on digs. I wonder what they would think if they knew Grey threw so many house parties which I presume occur without their consent.

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