Chapter 33

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 I curse underneath my breath.

"We have to leave now," Grey commands springing forth from where he was sprawled out on the floor. Zane is running towards the entryway of the room we all have gathered in.

"What happened?" Zane asks clearly confused about what all has gone down in only a matter of moments.

"We got what we needed, but we must go," Finley says turning towards the hallway and gesturing towards our escape route. I really hope Zane can get us out of here.

We follow after Zane down the hall and around corners on the upper floor racing towards the window that we originally came through. I can hear the pitter-patter of shoes coming from the floor below and on the stairs. The guards make their own way. Bloody hell, I curse again. I pray that we aren't entirely doomed.

Olivier's at the top of the stairs casting off some sort of spell causing fog to be summoned, inhibiting the guards from reaching us immediately. Aiden and Annie must have escaped already.

"The rest of you go," Zane signals to us as he starts casting spells over the guards to ward us off. Without looking back, I head to the window, grabbing hold of the rope and ascend down the wall. A few feet down, I lurch forward and tumble onto the ground. My hands are cut open, and there's a long gash running down my forearm. Luckily for Isis's healing powers, my fresh wounds close quickly leaving me with only a slight twinge. I run off into the trees covered by the shadows. I hear the scurrying of feet in the foliage, and my heart begins to race. Thankfully, it's just Henri, and Grey. They begin running sprinting past me down towards the alleyways.

I race after them, Finley and Nailah now reached my side. Zane's only a few feet behind them. We run like a stampede of wildebeests straight into the stygian alley.

I'm running down the street trying to catch up to the boys that have all fled past. Left, right, left, right, I weave through the alleyways passing closed marketplaces and silenced residences not allowing myself to slow down. My fear of being caught pushing me onward despite my exhaustion trying to pull me under. All of a sudden, my body is thrown against a nearby wall. The blade of a knife now held up against my throat threatening to draw blood. I wrestle beneath the blade trying to grasp for air.

"Where's the amulet?" Nailah's voice is raspy as she struggles to catch her breath between her words.

"Let me go," I let out. I knew I shouldn't have trusted her.

"The amulet is mine. It's my great ancestors," she cries out, her eyes pleading with me. I would give it to her if I didn't know that it was much more than a precious heirloom. I hadn't quite figured out what it was supposed to do, but the warmth of it hidden in between my breasts warned me that it would be my saving grace.

"Sorry, but if it was meant for you, the owner would have given it to you," I bark out. I summon the goddess's strength and magic pushing her off me. She goes flying, and before she can lash out towards me in response, Zane grasps her arms. He's holding her back.

"Nailah, let her have it," his voice stern, stabilizing her madness.

"I want it back," she cries out in pain.

"She needs it more than we do right now," he looks saddened, but just nods at me. I try to not faint as his icy blue eyes catch my own.

"Thank you," I yell out as I begin to bolt off after the boys. Thanks to Zane, I was free like the magic coursing through my veins. Though freedom always comes at a price. And often the price is too steep to even try bargaining. I stare down at the amulet sheathed in my chest. I couldn't help but wonder what the use of the amulet would eventually cost me. 

The Valley of Kings and a QueenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ