Estimated arrival 0500

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A sharp jolt awake, I find myself plucking my gun from it's holster and pointing it at the first person i saw, Mat. 'PING' another bullet ricochetes off our metal barricade. Dreams still lingered in my mind, a faraway look in my eyes as i surveyed the surrounding area.

"Is everyone okay?" I questioned, remembering we were in the truck. My gun put back into it's holster, i immediately became focused, we had been shot at multiple times. Thank god for the sheltered bulletproof truck; our protective shell.

"Yes we're okay; is our sarge awake now?" Mat replied glancing at me, his emerald eyes identical to my own. Carefully, he flicked his dirty blonde hair out of his face, a sarcastic smirk creeping onto his lips.

"Oh shut it. You know, just because you're my brother doesn't mean i won't send you home from this assignment soldier." I threatened, glaring daggers at him. He above all others, will know i'm joking.

"HA! I'd like to see you try, you'd miss me too much!" Mat cackled, his body draped across my shoulders giving me those puppy dog eyes i know all too well. Suddenly, his arms retreating and face serious, he stared out of the front window of the truck.

We had reached out destination. 

"RIGHT" I shouted "Troops!" "Our assignment, for those of you dimwitted enough to forget, is search and destroy. In other words. Find the enemy, KILL the enemy. Got it?"

"YES MA'AM" a choreographed response.

"Good! Move out" 

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