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Didn't think I'd be doing this again.

And before i say anything, I will be deleting any comments that say "this story is the only thing keeping me going" or something along those lines

This story does not make me happy, it's filled with so many mistakes but I feel compelled to write it because so many people have read it.

But I don't think I can write any more. I have no ideas, and I don't see a future for this book. I'm sorry I couldn't give you all the conclusion you wanted.

What I can do is maybe write a little short on how this story was planned to end. The ending is a little cliche, yes, but I figured it's better that nothing. I'll also be writing the original ending.

"What's the special event?" Makoto asked, nervous and excited.

They hadn't gone on a date in a while, so it was only natural to be confused.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to treat you." The blonde stated, a gentle smile creeping onto his features.

Makoto laughed. Over the years, Byakuya had grown as a person. And so has he. He got over his trauma, slowly, and his depression. Though some days he still felt strong suicidal tendencies, he reminded himself he still had his boyfriend.

"Aw, thank you." The brunette smiled, grabbing his hand.

The waiter came over, took their orders, and left.

"Kiyotaka and Mondo recently got married." Makoto stated, laughing a small bit. "I wonder what my wedding would be like, if I ever had one.." He added, and Byakuya knew what he was hinting at.

He chuckled. "Oh really? That's great for them, then." He nodded at his boyfriend.

The brunette nodded. "And I heard they're planning on adopting a kid."

"Well, I bet they'll be great parents."

The food came, and they continued chatting.

"Makoto?" Byakuya started, snapping Makoto out of his rambling. He was rambling about manga.

"Yeah?" He replied, feeling a bit awkward from his long speech about manga.

"What would you say if I said I didn't want us to be just dating anymore." He asked, his eyes very serious.

Apparently Makoto took this the wrong way, fear immediately apparent in his eyes.

"W-What? What do you mean..? Are you... are you breaking up with me??" He asked, tears beginning to form in his eyes. They gained some stares, which made the boy feel worse.

The blonde's eyes went wide. "N-No, that's not it at all!" Makoto had never seen him this panicked.

He cleared his throat. He mentally prepared himself for what he was about to say.

He got out of his chair, and onto one knee. He put one hand in his pocket, and Makoto suddenly realized what was going on. He was even closer to crying now and a big smile came onto his face.

"Makoto," He paused, seeing the smile on the brunette's face, and smirked. "The past few years with you have been amazing. I couldn't have imagined a better future for myself. Though there was some times where I wonder what the hell I got myself into, it was always wonderful, even if it was a mess." Makoto couldn't help but let out a laugh. "So, I need to ask you something, and I hope you'll say yes. Makoto,"

He took a second to get the object out of his pocket. They had attracted the attention of many other tables, who were all watching in awe.

"Will you marry m-" Before he could finish the sentence, Makoto had jumped out of his chair and hugged his boyfriend, well, now fiancée.

"Yes! Of course!" He exclaimed, now crying from joy.

A few people from the other tables clapped, but they ignored them.

They couldn't help but think about nothing but each other in this moment.

Welll! That turned out longer than expected. Now, the (probably) much shorter and sadder alternate (original) ending.

"Aoi! It isn't fun..ny.." Makoto paused mid-sentence, the color draining from his face.

Aoi, who he was talking to, stopped laughing and noticed his distress.

He quickly pulled his phone out, calling Byakuya. No answer. He tried again, no answer.

Tears began forming in his eyes. This can't be true.

Aoi slowly began to catch on.

"Makoto... did-" She began, but he cut her off.

"S-Shut up! Please..." He began sobbing, and fell to the floor. She crouched next to him and rubbed his back, as he continued to call his boyfriend.

Still, no answer.

This can't be happening. It has to be some sort of mistake. It cant be.

He can't be dead.

Everything was colorless.

Annnnnndd that's all. I'm sorry for ending it so... badly... hope this was good enough for you guys haha?

Weellll have fun with those.. which ending did you prefer?

Naegami • Colorless [Finished/Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now