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I know Chihiro is a guy, but Naegi doesn't, so bear with me

The next visit to Togami didn't go so well. The brunette saw Chihiro walk out of the room, and smiled at her. The girl just looked down as soon as she saw the boy, running away quickly.

He entered the room and looked at Togami with a smile. "Hey, Byakuya."

The blonde didn't say anything, just looked away.

"What's wrong?" Togami sighed.

"Fujisaki saw you and.. That guy kissing. I know you probably have an excuse so I'll let you talk. You have one minute."

Naegi's eyes went wide. "I-I was going back to my room when I ran into him a-and he pushed me against t-the wall and he kissed me. I-I didn't want to kiss him but he.. Forced himself on me. I-I'm sorry.." The brunette's eyes welled with tears and he looked at the blonde with hopes that he'd believe him.

Togami didn't really look like he believed him. Maybe because he knew who the guy was, or the medicine they gave him, but he seemed angry. Naegi got a little afraid. The blonde sighed.

"Get out."


"I said get out, are you deaf?" The boy snapped. Naegi held back a sob, running out of the room. Of course he didn't believe him.

As he ran out of the room, he ran into someone. One of his upperclassmen.

He recognized them as one of Nanami's friends, Nagito Komaeda.

"Makoto, are you okay? You look like you've lost hope." The white haired male put his hand on his shoulder. Naegi rubbed his nose, looking away.

"I-I'm fine.." He forced a smile. Nagito frowned, pulling him in for a hug.

"You can tell me anything, Makoto. What happened?" Naegi buried his head in Nagito's chest, letting out all his sobs into his shirt. He was shaking, hugging him tightly. "Hey, what happened?"

"I-I.. B-Byakuya he.. He thought I w-was cheating on h-him, and y-yelled at me.." Nagito nodded.

"Do you want me to talk to him for you?" The white haired male brushed his fingers through the brunette's hair.

The boy quickly shook his head. "H-He'd be mad I-I told you.."

"Well, I could get Hinata to talk to him for you? He's better at talking to people, and he'll say he just knows Togami's mad at you. He doesn't have to say he knows why he's mad at you."

Naegi thought for a second before nodding. "O-Okay, thank you Komaeda. S-Sorry about y-your shirt." The white haired boy shrugged.

"It's no problem, and I have other shirts." The boy smiled, and the smaller boy pulled back with a small smile.

"I-I have to go now." The boy looked down.

"See you around, Makoto."

The brunette gave a small nod in response, rushing to his room. Once he got in there, he put his back against the door. He pulled his phone out, calling his sister.

"Hey, Komaru."

"Hey big bro! Why are you calling?"

"What, I can't call you without a reason?"

"Wait, are you okay? You sound upset."

"Why would I be upset?" Naegi bit his lip. He tried focusing on his breathing, trying not to sound upset.

"Maybe cause of your boyfriend? Do I have to beat him up?"

"No, it's fine. I'm not upset."

"I'm going over there."

"What? You can't just come to the school randomly!"

"Makoto, you're upset, I care about you, don't fight with me on this."

"Fine, but I'm not upset."

"Sure. Anyway, I've been waiting to meet your boyfriend! You have to introduce us."

"W-We'll see."

"Bye, Makoto."

"Bye, Komaru."

And, as she said, a few minutes later, Komaru appeared. She was banging on her brother's door, until the boy opened. She smiled, basically jumping on him.

"It's been forever! We have to catch up, introduce me to all your friends! Show me your boyfriend first!" The girl giggled as she rambled on.

"Do I have to introduce you to my boyfriend.. Er, Byakuya, first?"

"His name is Byakuya? Oh, he sounds like a jerk. Did he do something to you? Do I need to yell at him?"

"No, it's fine. You can.. Meet him last."

The boy gave a tour to the overly excited girl. On their way, they ran into someone. Toko.

"W-What do y-you want? A-Are you here t-to t-tea-" She stopped talking when she saw Komaru, immediately blushing and looking away.

Komaru, of course, was confused.

"H-Hi, I'm T-Toko Fukawa.." She looked at Komaru and bowed.

The brunette, of course, bowed back and did her introduction. "Komaru Naegi, I'm Makoto's sister."

The girl with braided hair (told me her woes) nodded, rushing away with her face in her hands. That was... Weird.

After the short boy showed his sister all his classmates, she decided to question him.

"So? What about your boyfriend?"

"We.. Got in a fight."

"What? Where is he? I'll deal with him!"

"You're not dealing with anyone, he's in the hospital!" The boy snapped.

"I never would've guessed you would've put him in the hospital!"

"I didn't put him in the hospital! Stop assuming stuff!"

"Well, show him to me! I already know his name and where he's at, so I'd be able to find him anyway. I just want you to introduce us."

The boy sighed. "Fine, lets go."

Komaru cheered, letting her brother lead the way to the hospital wing.


Naegami • Colorless [Finished/Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now