"You know, I'm letting you live with me free of rent. It's awfully ungrateful of you to snap at me you mooching inconsiderate bitch." she rolled her eyes.

Oh yeah, I've been staying with Catherine for thirteen days.

That's one day after the kiss...

Almost two weeks.

Anyone else suspect a pattern here?

"I could live back there rent free too." I shrugged, chewing on my pen cap.

I'm pretty sure this is terrible for your teeth.

Oh well.

Fuck it.

"And how am I inconsiderate?" I furrowed my eyebrows and mocked hurt.

"Alice and Adrian had to give up they're morning quickies because of you. The rest of us have to listen to them whine about it." she rolled her eyes, pulling on her jacket. "You sure you don't want to go?" she stopped, her hand on the door knob.

"I'm sure." I sighed.

I wasn't sure.

I was hungry.

Still, I didn't want to risk running into Maggie.

Catherine headed out the door and soon after I finished my english paper.

Word on the street was, big booty Judy liked ot crack down on sentence structure so I carefully examined each page twice.

Proofreading a six page paper in extreme detail is a bitch.

"Hey baby." Kelly cooed sweetly when I answered her phone call.

"Hey, you. I was just about to call you. How was your day?" I smiled, rolling onto my back to get more comfortable.

"Boring. Remember how all the juniors last year told us Mrs. Hauge was a bitch though?" her voice suddenly sounded excited.


"Well she sent me to the principals office today!" Kelly screeched into the phone and I could tell she was stil flustered about it.


My Kelly?

In the principals office?


Ohh, big word...

Wow, I am four years old...

Ummm Kelly got in troublllllle...

Okay, okay I'm done.

"Why the hell did she send you to the principals office?" I asked, astonished.

"Well you know how she's a terrible teacher who doesn't actually teach us anything?" she sounded like she expected me to agree.

"Sure." I giggled to myself.

"So apparently it's not respectful to write 'I have no fucking clue since you didn't teach us anything' as an open response answer." I can just picture her, bobbing her head all sassy-like.

Is sassy-like even a word?

I think you could take any adjective and add a - and a like and it instantly becomes a word...

"You could've probably left out the fucking." I laughed.

"Don't laugh! I got lunch detention. Plus I would never leave out the fucking, I need a good fucking lemme' tell ya'." she preached.

"I know. Which is why I'm coming home for Thanksgiving break." I sighed dreamily.

"But that's so far away." I could almost see that ridiculously cute pout.

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