Just Give it Away

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"The girls are coming back today, my wifey's coming back todayyy!" Alice skipped around the room, singing in her normal peppy voice. She was back to normal like nothing had ever happened. "You're not being excited." she frowned at me, putting a hand on her hip with a slight frustrated pout.

"I am excited." I said, without looking up from my phone where I was reading.

"Prove it." she challenged.

I was excited, actually, I was ecstatic. Maggie and I had a big date planned for tonight and I was trying not to think too hard about their return for fear of the butterflies that rattled my tummy.

I hadn't eaten all day.

"Yippy Skippy." I muttered, still looking at my phone but not really comprehending what I was reading.

"Oh wow! That was so peppy, you should be a professional cheerleader! Gosh, you would be like the presidents cheerleader! You could be in his cheer cabinet!" she gave me a staged preppy voice.

I didn't know Alice could stage her positive enthusiasm, which she seems to have on every aspect of life.

Does anyone remember Sydney Harron from Grey's Anatomy? The one who replaced Dr. Bailey when she was pregnant?

You would probably have to be an avid Grey's follower to know who I'm talking about but, imagine her voice when Alice is faking.

"You know, there's only room for one smart ass here and I got dibbs a long time ago." I said blandly.

"Well I guess we'll just have to shoot for it. Draw!" Alice slathered on a western accent and leaped into the air, spreading her legs and putting her hand to her hip all in one motion, landing with her 'gun' half way out of its 'holster'.

"Alice, I'm just, I'm nervous about tonight okay?!" I blurted and watched as Alice's face lost its amusement and changed to understanding.

Geez, do I have to write the bitch an essay? On feelings?

"Come on, tell mamma Alice all about it." Alice sat down on my bed, lifting my legs up and then laying them back down across her lap.

By no means should she ever call herself 'mamma' anything. Ever again.

"We're gonna have sex." I said, with certainty in my voice.

"Kate, do I need to give you the talk?" Alice asked, seriously.

Oh, what the hell.

Let's amuse ourselves shall we?

"Yep." I fought back a smile.

"Hmm, okay, when a girl loves another girl-" she began but I cut her off.

"We havn't said I love you, yet." I told her.

"Does that have anything to do with why you're so nervous?" she questioned.

"Just tell me how to make sex." I rolled my eyes.

I need to hear this.

Ya' know, to lighten my mood.

Clearly, I know how sex works!

"Make sex? Who the hell are you, bayou wolf?" Alice laughed.

"Proceed, with this big talk." I tried and failed not to smile at her.

It's impossible not to smile at Alice.

"Okay, girls have physical needs. They, they want...stress relief? Yeah, stress relief. Now, one way to do that, is through sex. You know sex feels good, so sometimes, you want to do it with someone you like a lot and find attractive." she explained carefully.

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