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tOkay, so the following chapter is not a chapter, but an authors note.

*Sigh* I can feel you calling me bad words..

Anyways! So for the past, wow what has it been two weeks? I havn't updated. (as you probably know) but let me tell you why. Whenever I tried to log onto Wattpad via computer it told me I did'nt exsist. Yep, I was not correct. I could log on by the app on my ipod, but you can't update from the app! Now, today they updated their servers and BANG! It let me on, first try, no problem. So...I guess it's fixed!

Now, on the up side to all this, lemme just say Happy Thanksgiving! We flew down to see family in Arkansas (Yep, I come from a hick town) and I swear I gained three pounds at dinner. In honor of my "culture" let me say 'Hope ya'll had a wonderful holliday! For those of you who have seen Paula Dean, say it like her. During the off-season of my Wattpad lockout, I have written 4 new chapters to Blondes and Boarding School! Yes, FOUR! I will get them up asap, but keep in mind that's alot of typing and editing.

I promise a chapter by tomorro night! Thankyou for sticking with me I appreciate that so much!

On a final note, I love to hear your comments and appreciates your likes. I would especially like to hear more comments on where you think the story is going and what you think of the characters. Who know, if you give me an idea, I could dedicate a chapter to you! ;)

Happy Thanksgiving, See you tomorro night!

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