Chapter 12

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As the days progressed, the boyfriends started getting along better and better. This was a given, considering they were all over each other all the time.

If it wasn't Steve and Bucky, it was Steve and Tony or Tony and Bucky. The point is everyone was all over everyone else; they couldn't keep to themselves. Once they all got a taste, they all became addicted to each other; all hints of jealousy were gone because if Steve was Bucky's, he was also Tony's.

Tony had been going out to the shed a lot, still not allowing anyone to come with him; his shed, his decision.

He was working on something he had never thought to do but wanted to try. It was like a time machine, but for dimensions, he wanted to be able to change them.

To switch places with someone who was still himself.

The thought sounded cool, but it wasn't working out too well. It still didn't turn on.

He had spent hours upon hours trying to get this bulky machine to work, but it seemed impossible with no help from his AIs and the little tools he had.

But he was working on it.

It was late one evening. Around 7 PM, Tony was in his shed tongue stuck out in concentration while he tried to screw in a bolt located in a tricky place.

A soft knock at the door put him on alert; he thought Steve and Bucky went back out on the perimeter...

"W-whos there?" He calls; he was a bit more skittish now if he didn't have his tanks of flesh and bones around. Steve and Bucky always kept him safe. Always.

The person on the other side only knocked again; tony sighed and stuck the screwdriver he was using in his back pocket before heading over; he slowly and carefully opened the door. But as soon as he had turned and the thing clicked, the door was shoved open.

"Hi, little one."

Oh good, it was just Bucky.

"Buck, why didn't you answer me." Tony grunts ushering him out of the shed.

"Cause I knew you weren't gonna open the door." Made sense, at least to Bucky it did.

Tony rolled his eyes; taking bucky's metal hand, he led him towards the porch swing. "Where, steve?"

"I ain't enough?"

"Bucky... where is  steve."

Bucky let a small chuckle out and took a seat on the swing. "He's In the bathroom, had to take a leak."

"You just got back?" Bucky hummed and scooted a little closer.

"Buck, you stink." Tony state,s looking over at him, "you smell like sweat and... is that mud... what's in your hair." He had just noticed how dirty Bucky was.

"Took a tumble down the bank, Steve's fault."

Tony laughs a bit at that, "well, let's get you in the shower." He retakes Bucky's hand and pulls him into the little cabin, heading towards the bathroom, "steve? You still in there."

There was a soft yawn heard, then a "yeah," steve opened the door, "had to pee, it's free now." He smiles at them both.

Tony, of course, smiled back, "I'm just gonna shower with Bucky." He says, letting Bucky walk in first, "I'd invite you, but we all know there isn't enough room." They had figured that out the hard way.

Steve nods, "I'll work on dinner." They walked the opposite directions.

Once in the bathroom, Tony started gently undressing Bucky out of his tack gear, the bigger man staring down at him. "You're filthy," he mumbles, throwing the soiled clothes next to the hamper; he would have to soak them first.

Bucky didn't say a word and just stepped into the shower, Tony following after he undressed.

Bucky didn't talk much; he only blabbed when he was on the brink of an orgasm or if he was pissed at Steve. Tony didn't mind.

As the water soaked Bucky's hair, it turned brown from all the mud; Tony sighed and reached up, helping clean it out before it got too matted.

Bucky let him.

"You want the cooling shampoo?" He went to reach for the dove, but Bucky shook his head, "no, it burns."

Tony nods and grabs the regular shampoo; he soaks up Bucky's hair, smiling a little when Bucky hums in pleasure. He loved his hair being washed.

When his hair was all soaked, Tony helped him rinse it; he grabbed the body wash, looked at Bucky's body, and chuckled. Bucky wasn't trying to hide his arousal from it all; he loved Tony's hands on him.

His cock was hard, and his balls hung heavy; tony wanted to drop to his knees so bad... but he didn't; he just soaped up his hands and started washing Bucky, his fingers massaging into his shoulders and chest as the dirt easily washed away.

As Tony got lower, Bucky's hips jutted out a bit more and his legs spread in invitation.

Tony just chuckled and started washing his legs instead. Once, he had gotten him from head to toe, only missing that particular place. He wrapped his soapy hands around Bucky's dick and started cleaning, stroking just a bit.

Bucky sighed, happy to finally have a hand on his cock, but it was soon gone when Tony was done washing.

"C'mon, little one, touch my cock for me."

Tony just chuckled and shook his head; he then handed him a rag, "wash your ass," which was all he said before he grabbed the shampoo for his hair.

Bucky blushed slightly but nodded, lifting his leg up and doing just that. Giving Tony a curious look.

Tony just smiled, "can't leave steve out." He grins.

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