Chapter 2

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Steve was currently in the kitchen, making their dinner. Fury came and had dropped off the food he promised, so they were pretty well stocked up. He did bring a little extra, after Tony called and begged.

Tony was outside in the shed, working on a new portal device. It was coming along pretty well, and since he knew about the multiverse, he knew there was a chance of bringing a different set of avengers to his earth so they could help protect it. So Steve was making spaghetti, along with Bucky's help, and leaving tony to be on his own.

Even though... he would be taking them from their own earth and putting it at risk.

Tony was brilliant in many things; common sense was not one. 

He wasn't gonna tell fury about his little portal device because he knew the man would take it away from him, and Tony was not about to let all that hard work wash down the drain. 

Even though it wasn't necessarily that much hard work. Still, Tony spent almost three weeks on it.

Once the food was done, Steve yelled out the window; the shed was connected to the side of the house. Which put it close to the kitchen. So as long as Tony wasn't doing anything too loud, he would be able to hear Steve. 

And he wasn't. He was sitting there trying to get the thing to turn on... he was still working on that part.

Once he heard that supper was done, he let out a silent squeal and headed inside. 

Spaghetti was tonight's choice, Bucky wanted it, and Tony wasn't going to protest. 

He loved spaghetti.

He would honestly eat whatever Steve fixed; it didn't matter if it was good or not. He could never hurt steves feelings. 

Once he made it to his seat at the table, his mouth was already watering. He couldn't wait to dig into some good ole spaghetti.

Dinner time was always awkward; no one knew how to make small talk. The TV was playing some good background noise, and a couple times, Steve even looked up to watch; they sat around silently as they got their food. Which is what they all ended up doing. 

Steve would usually start the conversation, but he was silent this time. 

Which is what they all ended up doing. they sat silently as they got their food. Regarding eating, it usually got a bit awkward; no one knew how to make small talk, especially to an anti-social scary man, who half the time looked like a super buff raccoon.

Steve, however, would usually start the conversation, but he was silent this time. Tony was going to ask what was up, but surprisingly, Bucky spoke first.


That was all he said, which wasn't that much of a surprise. Tony's brows knitted as he took a bite of his food. He chewed a couple
times and waited for him to continue; when he didn't, Tony cocked his head. 

Not wanting to be rude, he swallowed his bite before speaking. "Go on..."

Bucky's face became flustered as he tried to think of an excellent way to say what he was thinking. 

He and Steve had been talking... and they were planning on getting it on. They didn't want Tony there, so they were trying to figure out how to tell him to sleep on the couch.

Steve, who was also red, nudged Bucky to continue. Bucky cleared his throat, trying to find the right words.

"Um... me and steve wanna... well, we need you to sleep elsewhere." 

Tony started shaking his head halfway through the sentence. "No." He stated, putting his fork down and crossing his arms.

"C'mon, please," Steve begged; Tony, the stubborn brat he is, shook his head. "Nope."

He wasn't about to give up his spot in the bed, so the two super soldiers could get it on.

It was not happening. 

Steve let out a frustrated huff and went to say something else. He tried convincing Tony to sleep somewhere else, but Bucky beat him to it.

"He could always join us."

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