Chapter 4

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Steve was baffled by what he saw. Tony was sitting in his chair, the one he used to chill out in. His spaghetti was on the desk, where most of his blueprints were. Both were sitting next to a machine. 

Steve knocked, alerting Tony to his presence. Tony glanced up and half-heartedly told steve to get out. It wasn't much, but a tiny "leave, please." Which had no emotion, so steve knew he didn't mean it.

Steve, being Steve, didn't listen and instead propped himself up against the door frame, crossing his arms in the process. Letting Tony know he wasn't messing around and that he would get to the bottom of whatever it was back there that had caused Tony to flip out.

Tony knew Steve wasn't gonna leave until they talked, and Steve wasn't technically supposed to be in his shed. But at this point, Tony couldn't give a shit; he just wanted to be left alone. Left alone, meaning not being spoken to, he didn't care about Steve's presence; he wanted to be as close to him as possible.

"Tony..." Steve spoke, taking a step towards the broken hearted brunette. 

Tony didn't say anything and instead tucked his knees into his chest, resting his chin on his knees. His tiny body fits perfectly in the chair.

Steve continued over to him, crouching down on his knees, so he could really talk to Tony. Tony was worried, his lower lip still not wanting to say anything. He didn't even wanna tell Steve to get out... he was afraid of how his voice would come out. Afraid he might sound as broken-hearted as he looks.

"Tony...what'ss wrong?" Steve asks gently, reaching up to touch the younger man but quickly retracting his hand. Not knowing if it was okay to touch him or not.

The action hurt Tony a lot. He wasn't sure why. He thought Steve didn't wanna touch him. He didn't wanna be close to him.

Steve saw the look in Tony's eyes change once he retracted his hand, the tiny sliver of hope that poped up when Steve went to comfort him dissipated into nothing but heartbreak.

Tony shook his head, still not trusting himself to speak. Steve sighed and placed his hands on his bent knees.

"Tony, please tell me what's wrong… I just wanna know so I can fix it; I don't like seeing you upset." Steve whispers, his hands rubbing small circles on his own knees.

The last sentence did a funny thing to Tony's heart. It fluttered when he met the eyes of Steve, who looked remorseful.

Tony took a deep breath, and Steve knew he was about to speak, so steve gave him a look, so he knew he was listening. 

"I," Tony croaked out, fiddling with his fingers while his arms were wrapped around his legs. "I want..."

He couldn't think of anything else to say, hoping Steve understood. He didn't; Tony only spoke three words... how was he supposed to interpret what he wanted? 

With furrowed brows and a slight head tilt, Steve asked, "what do you want?"

Tony's eyebrows knitted in frustration as he took another deep breath. Breathing out his response. "I want something I can't have." He whispered, feeling his face flush at the thought of actually having what he wanted. 

He wanted Bucky; he wanted Steve. He wanted to be held by them; he wanted them to tell him they loved him. He wanted kisses and hugs and cuddles. 

But he couldn't have it... he knew he couldn't because Steve and Bucky had each other. Tony was just there for supervision, not to fall in love with pre-war oldies.

Steve let out another sigh; he knew this was gonna be hard. He knew how stubborn Tony could be. But he asked anyways. 

“What do you want, Tony?” 

Tony didn't think before he answered and just let what was on his mind slip out. 

"I want you, Steve... I want you and Bucky."

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