Chapter 3

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Tony's eyes grew wide as he looked over at the ex-assassin.

"I'm sorry, what...what?" he stuttered out, almost choking on the bite of food in his mouth.

Buckys suggestion had caused Steve to go into a coughing fit. he wasn't sure if it was because he actually hoped Tony would join or that the thought had crossed Bucky'smind.

Did Bucky really wanna... fuck Tony? 

Did he like him, like Steve thought he wanted him?

Steve wasn't against the idea, he liked Tony also, but he wasn't gonna bring that up at the table. He didn't want Tony in their sex life... did he?

Tony didn't wanna be in their sex life. 

Ok, that's a lie; Tony would be lying if he didn't admit he had thought about it. He would think about it being Steve's hand around him instead of his own. Many times... sometimes when he was getting himself off in the shed, where he spent most of his alone time. 

He thought about Bucky whispering dirty nothing into his ear, calling him his and many other fucked up names. 

It would send Tony over the edge every time...

That's why Tony was so surprised when he asked. He was going to say yes, but he couldn't make himself do it.

But Bucky answered him, chuckling as he wiped his hands on a napkin, making Tony's mind drift to other things at the way his hands moved. 

"I'm just kidding."

Once those three words left his mouth, Tony stopped blushing as much; his face went pale.

Bucky was just kidding. he didn't want Tony interfering with him and Steve. Who was Tony to kid...? he should have known all along that Bucky and Steve didn't want him that way... they didn't wanna touch him, kiss him... fuck him.

Tony tried to brush it off. he tried not letting Bucky see how much those simple words hurt him.

"Yeah... yeah, just kidding." He had muttered, pushing his chair away from the table. "im going to go eat in the shed.... leave a blanket on the couch."

Tony picked up his plate and hurriedly scurried outside. His feelings were hurt, his morales were low, and it was all unbeknownst to Bucky.

Only Bucky... Steve caught on.

He knew Tony... he knew when he got his feelings hurt. Tony wasn't very good at hiding it, but Bucky wasn't very good at reading people who weren't Steve.

Steve wanted to get up and follow him. To tell him that he wouldn't mind if he did join. But he knew if Bucky didn't want him to, it wasn't fair to ask.

Little did Steve know... Bucky wasn't opposed to it. He wanted Tony in their lives... he liked Tony... a lot. He was always very snuggly at night.

Steve never liked to cuddle during the summer, always said it was too hot... but Tony, Tony always ended up wrapped up in Bucky's arms at night. 

None of them knew it since they were asleep... well, none of them except Bucky. He would intentionally sleep up against Tony. He thought he was the only one who knew this... but Tony never got much sleep, and he would always be awake when Bucky slithered his arm around his waist.

He immensely enjoyed it when bucky was touchy with him. which is why he had hurt his feelings so much. Tony thought Bucky was aware of what he was doing at night. But now, after what happened, Tony couldn't help but think how wrong he was...

After what Bucky said... which wasn't as horrible as Tony interpreted it to be, Tony felt like a major idiot.

Like all the signals he picked was the wrong ones. 

Bucky didn't really wanna hold him close, did he? It was just a little mistake that he would casually make, right?

Wrong. If only Tony knew... if only he had the guts to ask, it would be ok, the problem would be solved. 

But Tony wouldn't ask, was too scared to ask... so steve did make his way to the shed, hoping to figure out what was wrong. 

Which he knew was gonna be hard. Tony wasn't one to open up to someone, especially Steve. He wasn't going to just come out and tell him that he was in love with him and Bucky.

Tony couldn't tell him that. 

Tony wouldn't tell him that, fuck no... Tony wasn't gonna tell him that. He wasn't just gonna come out and say it... he couldn't.... what would Steve think?

He wouldn't appreciate Tony crushing on his boyfriend... and what if he tells him about his crush on Steve himself?

They both probably would want him gone.

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