Upon hearing his words, Meizuo and Ximen simultaneously shared a look with one another, one that Si himself couldn't quite decipher, before they chuckled to themselves.

"What? What's so funny?" he perked up.

"Nothing."  Ximen shrugged his shoulders, playing it off, "We're just surprised that you of all people, know so much about the romantic destinations around the world."

Si narrowed his eyes at their words, "What's that supposed to mean?"

This time Meizuo spoke up, "Nothing. It's just . . . you're just the least likely person to willingly be in a romantic relationship so it's ironic."

Before Si could respond, Ximen cut in, "Correction; Si is the least likely person able to be in a romantic relationship with the track record of the girls who currently resent him."

Hearing his friends mocking words caused Si to grow upset. If there was anything he hated the most, it was being underestimated. "False! I can totally be in a relationship if I wanted to. The girls here just don't interest me." 

Ximen and Meizuo simply nodded at his words as they continued snickering to themselves, not taking his words seriously at all. "I'm serious! I can be in a relationship if I actually wanted to, and unlike you two, I can find a girl that will be with me out of geniune love, and not lust."

That finally caused the two, or well, Ximen, to stop snickering and look up at Si with a more serious look, "That's a pretty strong statement you're putting out."

Si however shrugged as he crossed his arms over him, "It's the truth."

He wasn't sure what part of his sentance had set Ximen off, but upon hearing those words, the playful demeanor of Ximen was now replaced with a rather serious one.

"Oh? Well since you're so sure of your abilities, then why don't you do it."

Meizuo stopped laughing and looking at his aburn haired friend in confusion, "What are you saying man?"

Ximen, however, shrugged his shoulders as he casually said, "Find a single, available girl and use your abilities to make her fall in love with you, for real."

"You can't be serious." Meizuo tried arguing, wondering whether Ximen really was serious about his proposition, who in this case, was.

"Why not?" Ximen asked as he glanced at Si who hadn't said a word since he'd mentioned the whole thing, "Our man is so sure of his abilites, so lets put them to the test, or better yet, use them on either Guo Li Na or Dong Shancai!"  

This caused Huaze Lei to also look up from the magazine he was engrossed in and observed as his two closest friends reacted to his other closest friends words.

Ximen laughed, though his tone made it evident that he was dead serious, "Now that will really prove to us that you're the man."

Meizuo once again came to Si' defence, "Si isn't interested in either of those girls, especially after how they've treated him over the past week itself."

Ximen nodded as a smirk made its way on his face, "And I'm sure they aren't either, whichs what will make the whole thing more exciting."

Whilst Ximen and Meizuo continued arguing back and forth about Ximens ridiculous proposition, Si tilted his head as his kind wandered everywhere regarding Ximens ridiculous proposition, his most obvious question being on the reason for it steming out of nowhere.

"If he does end up doing this and succeed, what will he get in return?" This time, Lei spoke up, feeling a little intrigued by what was going on.

Ximen turned to him with a grin, "He can decide both destinations for our graduation trip."


Lei tilted his head at his words, his curiousity getting the best of him as he now asked, "And if he loses?"

"Then we get to decide the destinations for the trips. But that won't happen since Si never loses a challenge, right?"

Si still didn't say anything, still thinking about the whole thing. This didn't go unnoticed by any of his friends seeing as they were the ones mainly asking the questions and getting the answers that Si was also in search for.

Finally, after a while of just staring at Si who stared ahead, deep in thought, Ximen asked . . .

"What are you thinking man?"

This caused Si to be snapped from his thoughts. However, instead of answering their questions, he rolled his eyes as he annoyedly got up from his seat, not taking anything seriously.

He knew that he had better things to do than to chase after a bunch of stupid girls that he wasnt even the least bit interested in.

"That I have better things to do than listen to you spew nonsense."

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate that this chapter has not been edited yet )

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