The Rose and The Rogue (AwSprite)

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As the evening cast its warm glow over the city, Sleeping Beauty walked with a purposeful stride down the red carpet. Camera flashes her constant spot light. Tom Thumb riding upon her shoulder, dressed all in black and looking sharp.

Cries of delight and fevered eyes instantly turning their way. The fans pushing against one another in dramatic tides, the barricades heaving and bowing to the curving waves of emotion.

Inclining her head just so, Sleeping Beauty gave the crowd a sly smile. Tom Thumb giving a devastatingly handsome wink. Just before the two slipped inside, disappearing from view. Leaving the crowd elated.

Ever since their dangerous headlining case of returning the stolen jewellery of the tower of London, the two had been featured in many newspapers and magazines.

'The adoration here is even better than when I was a part of king Arthur's court, telling tales of my countless adventures.'

'I don't doubt it, but it does make things difficult for us. Although I do love a challenge.' She whispered, giving a warm welcoming smile to those passing them by. Checking over her shoulder, they quickly but smoothly turned down a quiet corridor. Once the coast was clear, she immediately set to work picking the lock of a hefty oaken door. A few moments later and an audible click was heard, the door swinging open.

Peering inside, the only light came from the fireplace. The flames coiling and burning with raw intensity. After closing the door behind them, Sleeping Beauty watched the shadows writhing upon the walls closely. Before turning her attention back to the flaming hearth. She noticed that the very tip of the flames would flutter every so often, as though caught in a lazy breeze.

'Did you see that.' Tom Thumb said leaning close to her ear.

'Yes, I think this is the entrance.'

'Well I've never walked through flames before.' His voice rose, his eyes widening.

'Well it shouldn't be a problem for you, as you've been through almost everything else.' She laughed, watching his suddenly sour expression from the corner of her eye.

Without waiting a moment longer, Sleeping Beauty wrapped her graceful fingers around a golden poker. Gently stoking the fire, and watching carefully as the flames began to slowly wither in one corner, instead of fanning and rising. Upon the very tip of the poker, was a curved bell shaped flower made of metal.

Sliding down her arm, Tom Thumb balancing in a precarious position, stared down at the simmering embers of the once roaring fire.

'How did you know that would work, and how does it work?'

'It was an educated guess, there was only one poker and the owners had to be able to pass through unharmed some how. As for how it works, I have no idea.'

Bending down she slowly extended her arm into the fireplace, Tom Thumb now standing on her palm.

'Do you see it?'

Eyeing the underneath, his pupils shrewdly observing, he suddenly caught sight of a small lever switch in the back corner.

'Yes, move forward and to the left.'

Listening to his guiding movements, she waited a moment until she heard seven mechanisms clicking into place; the back wall dropping down and the mantel gradually rising. Standing upright, and avoiding the flames still burning at one end, they emerged into a hallway of plush carpets and old fashioned lighting.

A few footsteps forward, and Sleeping Beauty stopped. 'Someone has already been here.'

'Yes and it's not the owner.' Tom Thumb muttered distracted, as he looked over the smudged glass encasing one of the lights.

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