Tom, to do a sinful job? (Schwethz)

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Tom had a tough time letting people know about his presence. He was so small just like the size of a thumb. Everyone used to tease him for the looks he possesses. But he never cared anyone as he knows nothing can stop them from teasing him.

He was still living a happy life along with his small family. He was a giver of heart. When there is a need, he would be there in the first place already to offer anything that he can do with his ability. He loves to do adventurous things in his life and his dream to trek, is always visible in his eyes, as he gives a dreamy look whenever he sees any grove/peak!

The backside of his house was a thick grove that had a variety of wild animals roaming within. They have been secured as it is a reserved forest and was maintained by the government.

Still, Tom always had a curiosity to enter and explore his wilderness like how adventurous it will be to trek inside the thick grove all alone. He had a perfect plan for his trip as he would just take a sword for his safety and a backpack with his essentials containing some berries for his instant energy from underbrush, holly plant that's widely available in and around his backyard. Also, he would take a lighter to stoke, whenever he fears in the dark so it brings lightness for his trip, and along with that, he would also carry a cardboard-like what if all the surrounding plants in the forest are wet due to the humidity. So, to have a fireplace that can keep him warm at night requires things that can catch fire. Hence, the cardboard will be the best companion for him, and he can even use it to sleep over on the ground in order to take rest for sometime before he starts to trek again.

That is the dream, he wishes to fulfill once in a lifetime. He doesn't worry about any animals, as he can be big enough like a sequoia tree as he has got a boon from his friend Rumpelstiltskin. He had gifted it, as Tom had given food while he was starving due to exhaustion when he was roaming in the lost grove!

Since then, they share a secret friendship bond. And that's why Tom is more interested in visiting the forest once as he can become big in seconds and no wild animals would dare to come in front of him and attack him.

What Tom didn't know was, Rumpelstiltskin wouldn't do anything without any return. Even though he has fed him once, he didn't gift a boon without any reason. So, as he felt pity for Tom because he was so small, and he granted this kind of wish and asked him to use it whenever he wants. But Tom, being a good human uses this power only when it is in need, like helping out someone with something or like that when his normal size didn't help him.

He has once helped a poor man, helping him to load certain goods into his bullock cart. (A bull will be stick to a two wheel-like thing with a seater, and It is the mode of transportation used as it's the village side)

One day, during the night, Tom was wondering about something about his life, by looking at the sky. All he could hear was silence and some katydids scream and some stars shining so beautifully forming constellations on the dark velvet grand.

All of a sudden, he heard something or say, someone, groaning.

"What was that?", Tom wondered.

Heaving a sigh, he went to sleep and called a night.

But sleep was far from his eyes, as he kept on wondering about the owner of the sound.

There at that time, someone pulled his blanket. Groaning, he looked around to see Rumpelstiltskin sitting above the night table stand.

"Hey, you here at this hour?", Tom asked looking at the clock.

"Yup, I just came to see how my friend is", Rumpelstiltskin said cheerfully!

"Oh wow, that's so sweet of you. But why do I feel like you have come here to get something in return from me?", Tom smirked, raising his eyebrows looking at him with a question!

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