Chapter 15: Vanilla Twilight

Start from the beginning

The brat's lucky I love her so much.

But Phineas is enjoying the movie too, his eyes scanning the subtitles on the screen, and I feel rather pleased with myself that I found something for him to enjoy with other people. He's still closed off, but having him here gives him at least a little bit of socialization.

"You know, you're supposed to be watching the movie," Sam whispers in my ear, and I flinch. The response gets a small chuckle at him, and I pout.

"I am watching."

"Other people, maybe, but not the movie." When I look at him, I nearly melt at the soft smile he's giving me. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing in particular. Just seeing if other people are enjoying the movie."

"Are you enjoying it?"

"I'd enjoy almost anything if I get to sit here with you like this," I reply, bringing the hand he has clasped into mine up and pressing a kiss against his knuckles. I grin against his skin when the tips of his ears turn pink. It's nice to know I still have this effect on him.

"Flirt," He scoffs.

"Only with you." I bite my lip. "Are you enjoying the movie?"

He turns his gaze back to it and nods. "It's nice. Didn't even know we had this movie."

"It was in the bottom of the movie bin. There was quite a few we haven't watched in a while, but this one was kid-friendly and funny enough for everyone to enjoy."

"Funny is one way to describe it. The creators of this really do seem to have a bias, though. Poor Tom's getting beaten into the ground," He whispers, his breath hot on my temple. I feel more than see his smile. "Still, I'm glad you suggested it."

"Peter brought up the idea, actually. I just... persuaded Janine by taking extra kitchen shifts."


"I can be, from time to time," I joke, and he rolls his eyes.

His playful expression falters when I shiver again, pressing myself closer to him. He wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me the slightest bit closer. I have a jacket on, but the coolness still digs into skin and muscle and bones. Being used to heat makes anything slightly cool seem like freezing.

"Do you want me to go to the coms shack and grab you a blanket?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"No, but thank you. I'll be okay. You'll just have to deal with me using you for body heat," I whisper back.

"Well, I suppose I could be alright for it, since I'm such a good husband."

"I would call you out for your sarcasm if it weren't true," I say smoothly, and in response he blushes and rubs the back of his neck with his free hand.

"Yeah, well, I'd only want to be the very best for you," He replies cutely, and I'm almost sure you can hear my heart from how fast it's beating. "But uh, are you sure you don't need anything else to keep you warm? Another jacket? Your scarf?"

I falter.

"I'm okay," I say, gaining my composure, but his mind already seems to be on something else.

"Wait, wouldn't you have your scarf with you? I-I know you took a shower once you got back from that run, but you don't throw your scarfs in the wash unless they're filthy."

"If you wash them too much, the yarn because all frizzy and unraveled."

"Sure, whatever, but what did you do with it? I don't remember seeing it on you when you got back."

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