Chapter 23

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I woke up feeling dizzy.

I opened my eyes and see that I'm in a van hmm?

I wanted to speak but I can't.

I can feel that my mouth is covered with a cloth.

This is not the van we used to the beach.

I am alone here.

There is only this Woman driving the van.

This is no ordinary van, it is like a van that is designed like a flat.

What am I doing here?

The last thing I remembered is me and Terz's making love then he said.

"I love you so much Roshan, my Honey. I promise that in other lifetime I will choose you again, I will always choose you and it will always be you. Always remember I'll always be in your heart. My heart is yours as well."

I cried when he said that.

I felt like he is saying goodbye to me.

I felt the van stopped.

The woman looked at me.

Her face is somehow familiar,

it looks like the face of the Man I love.

"Finally, you're awake. I can't carry you, those guards are slowpokes to follow."

I looked at her, is she what I think she is?

She opened the door beside me and removed the thing in my mouth.

"Are you Terz's Mom?" I asked her.

"Clever girl, but who is Terz? Ohhh, is that her fake name?"

I was shocked with what she said.

"What do you mean?"

She smiled at me and grab me inside a mansion.

More like a castle.

We stayed in their huge living room.

She let me sit and called a maid

"Nanny can you please bring us two orange juice and some sandwich. Thank you."

I looked at her, she looks so sophisticated so if she is Terz's Mom then Terz is a rich man? But rich or not I love him still.

But where is he? Where are they?

"Oh back to you, I'm Amanda Elord, I am the mother of your so-called boyfirend Terz whiche appears to be Jacob Elord, a very famous businessman from California, USA."
I was so shocked with what she said.

"What? Is that true? But if it is his true identity then maybe it is, he is sick, he has a sort of memory loss because of trauma and-"

She cut me off. She even wiggle her hands and she looked so sad and her eyes have pity looking at me.

"I'm sorry Rosh, that is part of my son's last thing to do in his bucketlist. You see he wanted to spend a week on his own and meet a stranger who will help him. He wants to see if kindness of strangers exists. So we let him, since it is the last thing he wants to do before he, before he."

She sat down and cried so much. It pains me to see her like this

"Mam Amanda, what do you mean before he waht?"

She inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Nothing, I just want you to please leave him now. He already found his family. Its time for us to have our time together. So please can you respectfully excuse yourself out of the picture."

I gasped with what she said.
I never knew this time would come.
But I have to understand that he was never mine.

I am just a part of his life.
But will never be with him through his life.

"If that's what you want Mam Amanda. I'll respect it. Thank you for atleast letting me know your son. I am lucky to know him"

I smiled sweetly at her even though I'm crying my heart out

"Because of the help you gave to my son. I am giving you this as a token, make use of it. I heard you wanted to be a Doctor in the near future. Well then reach for it and save this money for your study to be a Doctor."

I looked at the checque she gave me.

5 Million Pesos?

"This is too much Mam, I can't accept it."

I was going to bring it to her, but she place it in my hands.

"You'll need it, I heard that your parents may not be able to afford your dreams. This is just my token for you to realize your dreams."

I smiled bitterly at her and accepted the money.

After that she let one of his guards to drive me to my apartment.

Upon reaching my apartment, it is so quiet, there is no Terz or Jacob anymore.

I cried in my living room.

It is fucking painful like shit!

I cried and keep on calling Terz/ Jacob.

Hoping he may appear. But he did not.

I cried again.

I miss him already.

Indeed after too much happiness is tears.

He did not even say goodbye to me.

Now I'm back to myself again.

Jacob, I love you so much but it is still painful that you lied to me.

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