Chapter 2

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I was taken back to reality when I heard that sound, and saw the crazy man fall down and loss consciousness in front of me.

I did not panic.

I inhaled and exhale again and seen that some people passing by gasped with what happen.

I stand up and put my things on the small folding study table. I approach the guy and lightly pat his shoulders.

"Mister? Mister can you hear me?" I said while tapping his shoulders.

He did not respond. I palpate his carotid pulse, since from what I have learned the last pulse to be felt when a person is in a heart attack is the carotid pulse.

His pulse is still there but it was strong and slow, I check for his breathing and get his Pulse rate and Respiratory rate. They are still in normal ranges.

He looks very pale, even the color of his lips are nowhere to be found plus he is sweating.

"Is he okay?" a sudden voice spoke from behind. I look at where that familiar voice came from.

"Tiara, I think it's hypoglycemia. He is having heart palpitations, he is sweating and pale."

Tiara is my classmate and she is living near my place and she is from here in this University Town.

Tiara also kneel down near this stranger and we carry the unconscious patient in a two-man carry, inside my place.

Leaving the curios bystanders outside.
Upon placing him in my sofa bed, I went to medicine kit. I browse for my spirit of ammonia and a cotton.

After that I give to Tiara. She put it in the cotton and place the cotton with spirit of ammonia near the nasal cavity of the stranger. Then he gain consciousness.

I proceed to my small kitchen and see if there is any food there. I saw my loaf bread in my cabinet where I stock some of my groceries for this semestral break.

I ate some of the loaf bread a while ago, good thing I still have 6 of it. I get my favorite peanut butter. But before putting it in the bread. I went back to that stranger who is now sitting and conducting an inspection to my apartment.

While Tiara is cleaning some of his bruises in the face with a towel and water then later she applied some ointment in it. I let Tiara do it, I really am afraid with this guy.

"Are you allergic to peanuts?" I ask him. He was startled when I speak out of nowhere.

"Uhm, no I do not have any allergies." He said politely.

I just nodded, then went back to the kitchen.

I prepared a sandwich for him and Tiara as well. Then I also get one chocolate bar I bought yesterday, I do not have a fridge I only have a small cooler where I put an ice and inside are bottled water and some chocolates. I also get two bottled water for them.

I should not be doing this, but what kind of a nurse will I be in the future if just with this thing I cannot help right?
I always remember when our clinical instructor told us that. "You can never give what you don't have."

If I can't care for a patient in here, then how can I expect to care for my patients for our next duty, right?

He is having hypoglycemia, it is not that serious though, but it can tell an underlying sickness especially those with diabetes. Patient's blood glucose level are very low that they cannot have the energy to do work, glucose are a form of simple sugar that is derived from the food we eat specifically from carbohydrates. Glucose are used to form ATP which are the energy or fuel in the body. That is why he is sweating, has pale skin and feels fatigue because of low glucose level, he lost consciousness because even the glucose for his brain are already in it's limit.

Back to reality.

I went back to my small living room and give them the food. He was hesitating at first.

"Go on eat up, I did not put any poison or sleeping pills in it. You need it, it seems like you haven't eaten for a long period of time." I assure him, even Tiara give him a sandwich.

"Here, don't be shy." Tiara added.

He still hesitated, but spoken in the end, that make me and Tiara shock.

"Uhmm, can I at least wash my hands before eating? I have been everywhere since last week and I don't know if what I have been touching have microbes, and also is it okay if I use the bathroom? I really feel uncomfortable with this clothes, an old lady just gave me this, and lastly can I at least borrow some clothes? If it is okay with you?" He said without a break and looked down after saying his requests, more like a command.

Author's Mema:
Henlo guys! First time ko pong magsulat ng story atsaka spokening dollars pa hihihi. I hope mag enjoy po kayo, as much as I love writing this story during Quarantine. Keep safe guys 💕.
Covid-19-Free PH soonest!!

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