a Drink

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(Here's a short-skit! This is cannon but I honestly don't know where to add this so uh.....enjoy!༼つ ༽つ)

Alastor had just finished a massacre in the streets of pentagram city, it wasn't indulging to say the least it had been quite boring since the screams always repeats, and nothing exciting nor different was happening. And it was getting plain. He needed something to pique his interests that would serve him a great entertainment.

He needed something exciting

Something he had never seen before

Something like an intoxicated Anthony

Yes something like that. Wait..what?

"Hey hotstuff~" Alastor raised a brow as Anthony clinged to him pulling him to the bar. If Anthony wasn't drunk he would have sliced his arms but he was off the hook for now since the human clearly wasn't himself.
They both sat on the stools as Anthony looked at him seductively with his now hazy green eyes.
Alastor shot a look to Husk.
The chimera only shrugged.
"That brat stole my booze"
He said as he drank a bottle of alcohol.

Alastor did not ask further, now bringing his gaze to Anthony who was giggling.
"Hey daddy wanna play~?"
Alastor rolled his eyes.
"I'm afraid you have confused me for someone else, I am not your father."
Somehow Alastor thought that a drunk Anthony is much like Angel dust.
"Oh~ playin' hard huh?" Anthony now unlocks the buttons of his blouse as he pulled Alastor's hand closer to his chest. The radio demon cringed.

"Husker,would you please give me the strongest alcoholic liquor you have?" Husk nodded, knowing Al he most definitely needed the drink Or he might accidentally kill Anthony.

Husk poured a glass of the bib and handed it to the radio demon.
Alastor drank it in one gulp.

Now both are very intoxicated

"So 'ya ready to........ f*ck?" The blonde male winked,
"Haha! How vulgar 'sha, but I must deny your request!"
Anthony pouted. "Ehh.why?"
Alastor grinned at him.
" 'Ya should only do 'dat wit 'da one 'ya luv 'cher"  The feminine lad giggled while nodding.

"Hey *hic* 'ya look so charming~"

"I must say the same to you my dear, you are very beautiful and stunning."

"Staphh it! 'Ya embarrassing me!"

Meanwhile Husk was in the corner. Muttering to himself.
What the actual fuck is happening to the world?
And why was he left alone with the drunken bastards?
Worst of all the two are fucking flirting!

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