Chapter 32

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Anthony knew it all along, or maybe he hasn't, but it may also be his heart playing tricks on him.

The radio demon liking him back?
He must be crazy. He must be out of his mind. Something like that would take a miracle.

The words had finally sunk unto his mind. The Radio demon said he was only misunderstanding his kind acts.

He gave him false hope and yet Anthony could only blame himself for falling for such antics.

He leaned into the doors frame after he locked the door.

It took all of him to muster a smile even after what he just heard from Alastor's mouth killed him on the inside.

The tears that he was holding in finally got out, things just keep getting worse and worse.
The saying there's a rainbow after a rain was total bullshit there's no rainbow at all, it's all just rain.
If something bad happens, something even worse will occur.

Anthony's knees lost all it's energy and he collapsed at the floor, he hugged his knees closer to his chest.
And had began to cry like there was no tomorrow, but he covered his mouth with hands in case someone might hear him.

In worse cases the radio demon might see him and get the pleasure of seeing him break.

But no. Anthony already made up his mind, he wasn't about to give him what he wanted. With the little dignity he had left, he still want to keep it.

There's just one thing he couldn't understand, there were a lot of cases when the demon had already seen him cry? Why would he go to a lot of trouble just to see it again?

He didn't understand it at all, it didn't make any sense.

Anthony couldn't even keep count the many troubles he got himself into, yet the demon continued to get him out of it.

Was it even worth it?

He hadn't known

Maybe it shouldn't make sense at all.

But all he knows now was that his heart is in pain, and the pain is much worse than a physical wound.
It couldn't even compare.
It just hurts and you just wanna cry it all out, or else you would lose your mind.

And so that's what he did

He sobbed all night long in his room

Alone in the darkness

Thinking maybe it wasn't meant to be at all

Even though Anthony was now in hell, he was still human.

He was once in the living world, and this world is the underworld where living creatures go after they die.

maybe hadn't belong here at all.

"So that's what happened.." Charlie trailed off, she was still analyzing what Anthony had just told her.

She blamed herself too, she was the one who urged Anthony to confess after all, and she was supporting him till the end. She felt like she was the worst demon ever, she just committed the most deadliest sin.

And not to mention it was her fault Anthony got transported to hell..

It was all her fault...

"Hey" Anthony poked her seeing that she was lost in her thoughts.
"Y-yeah?" She manage to reply, she was feeling guilty.

"You know I don't blame you right?"
Anthony looked at Charlie who was beside him, she had a complicated look.

"N-No of course not" she smiled awkwardly, and waved her hands, dismissing Anthony's words.
She didn't care if Anthony doesn't blame her, she blames herself.

"I don't regret anything" Anthony's words caught Charlie off guard, she glanced at him curiously. "I don't regret that I confessed, I said what I felt about him, even if he gave me false hope, it couldn't change the fact that he saved me multiple times and.... that I still like him." He smiled.

Charlie stared at Anthony for a couple of seconds, she just continue to stare at him amazed, bewildered, shocked.
"You still like him?" She asked.

Anthony nodded shyly, "Is it bad that I do?"

Charlie chuckled, "It's up to you Tony, do you think it's wrong?"

Anthony sighed and leaned at the doors frame again.

"I don't know...." He sighed.

"I guess it doesn't actually matter if I do like him, since he doesn't feel the same way."
Charlie listened intently, not daring to say anything back.

"I'm no alien in romance, and they do say it takes two to tango."

Anthony closed his eyes and leaned in to the doors frame, feeling exhausted from crying all night long.

"If it's only me who's in love......" He trailed off.

"Shouldn't I just give it up?"

He leaned his ears through the door when he hadn't heard a continuation to the question, and heard a snore instead. He made up his mind and decided that it was best to leave him alone.
His intentions were still unknown to him after all, but he knew the guilt that was eating him alive was keeping him from being back to his normal self.
He had to get rid of it.

He walked through the hallways with a contemplated look on his face.

What course of action was best to take?

to be continued...

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