Chapter 29

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Anthony had finally woken up from his short nap, he didn't really feel like sleeping actually, not from earlier's incident. It was fresh from his memory, and getting rid of it easily was rather difficult.
Even though Lucas was actually only a technology-based machine, it couldn't change the fact that the times they spent together, gardening, doing chores, cleaning and even just lounging on the couch making jokes and laughing hysterically. Was precious to Anthony.

And just when he finally considered him a friend, he just disappeared right off the bat. Without any notice or even a warning.

He just left him.

The blonde shook his head, he needed to clear his mind. Or better yet ask Charlie or Husk for some advice, though he doubt he'll do that.
He got off from his bed and immediately headed straight to the mirror, he made himself look decent, before leaving the room and locking the door behind him.

It was early in the morning, so Anthony was surprised when he heard a lot of ruckus coming from the pub.
Had the old man gone nuts and started drinking in the mornings as well?
He should really smack his head to teach him a lesson.

The blonde made his steps faster, his curiousity getting the better of him.

And although he expected Husk to greet him in a very drunken state, the scene playing out before him surprised him even more.

Charlie was drinking her ass out to some booze Husk prepared for her, he wasn't really preparing it, just keep refilling the glass whenever the demon princess ask for more.

What had become of the world and why was he seeing Charlie the only demon in hell who refused to do something like this had gone and do it herself.

Is the world ending or something?

Was this a bad omen?

Is a storm preparing?

"Tony!" He heard Charlie yelled out his name.
He walked up to her and sat on one of the stools in the bar.
"Drink up my treat!" The demonette giggled as he handed the blonde a cup of booze.
Of course who was Anthony to decline such an offer. He immediately took it thinking she might change her mind later.

He gulped the bib down and waited for the burning sensation on his throat. And as it did, he felt the chimera's glare on him.
"What?" Anthony asked smirking smugly to him.

Husk sighed as he as well drank the innards of the bottle he was holding.
"You know what you did"

Anthony rolled his eyes,"Just this time..needed something to keep my mind off things." His reply was soft, almost like he whispered it for only himself to hear.

Husk nodded. Already getting a grasp of the situation, Anthony by now was thankful that the chimera was quick to catch up on things.

The three continue to drink their problems away, make that two actually, since Husk's problem is just worrying that the alcohol's stock is depleting in a very alarming rate. And the suspects are non other than the two giggling idiots sitting in his pub.

Charlie was a drunk crier, she continue to tell Anthony and Husk some stories about her tenants actually behaving decently, she thought her dream of making demons redempt had finally worked.
And yet earlier that night Alastor didn't think twice about informing her about their patrons. He said they were dead and was planning to go against them since the very beginning.

Of course she was skeptical at first, but knowing that when she checked all the occupied rooms and even the garden at the rooftop, she saw noone, then she already knew the radio demon was speaking the truth.

So without much of a choice the demon princess buried her sadness to some alcohol and wine in the pub.

Vaggie was still asleep in their room and she might get a lecture later from her lover, but for now, she's going to forget about all of it and just continue to intoxicate herself to some cheap booze.

Anthony on the other hand has still a bit of conscious, he wasn't fully drunk, just so-so.
Even though he wanted to forget his problems as well, he had a different idea planned when he left his room.

He wanted to clear his mind and thoughts.

And since Charlie was far from someone who could help him in her current state, he needed to seek an alternative.

He knew the only person he could trust to sort out his problems...

was none other than himself.

No one can better understand his current situation but him alone.
He took a sip of the cup he was holding before sighing and letting his mind replay his present situation;

He was transported to hell without much of a notice

He met demons who had become good acquaintances of him

He continue to spend his time in hell, as he wait for a solution to transport him back

He met a special demon who made his heart beat a bit faster than it normally would

He got mixed up with an overlord who decided to kidnap him

He got saved by Alastor.....multiple times than he could keep count

He helped the hotel, with chores and tending to the garden

Like some sort of miracle they got patrons, who wanted to redempt

And there he met Lucas

Who decided to befriend him, and after a lot of begging and trying Anthony finally accepted him.

And after that........

He was gone in an instant

Not to mention he was actually a robot not a demon. He wondered what kind of technology hell had for it to achieve that. And it sure was very realistic.
Lucas' skin was also soft when Anthony touched it.
But maybe it was only due to some kind of smart ass stuff that made it possible.

The possibility of it wasn't even impossible. Anthony remembered that Alastor can even conjure magic so a robot being realistic wasn't much surprising.

And it clicked to him

The subject he had been avoiding this past few weeks, and even making his mind forget it even existed.

His confession to the radio demon has been long overdue.

to be continued...

A human in Hell (RadioDust)Where stories live. Discover now