Chapter 31: Rejection

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"Have you misunderstood my act?"
Anthony was a bit taken back by his reply, he hadn't known what that meant at all.

But what was making him more nervous was his grin which only keeps getting wider and wider.

"Were you that entranced by my kind actions? I hadn't thought of you for being such a foolish and gullible human, dear Anthony."
Oh who was he kidding? of course he had!
What was the reasons for such actions but only for sheer boredom of entertainment and Anthony was the chosen lead star of the show, that is all.

"What're 'ya tryin' 'ta say Al?"

Alastor grinned at his question.

"You see my dear, us demons....", Alastor summoned his staff to conjure a seat.

"Always has reason for showing an act of kindness."
He pulled Anthony's figure and forced him to seat on the chair.

"So.." Anthony looked down, and clutched the hem of his shirt very tightly.
"All the things you've done for me. All of it was for the hotel?"

"Well aren't you the clever one" The demon grinned as he stared at Anthony's figure. It will only be a matter of time until he breaks.

"When 'ya saved me for the very first time?" He asked quietly, he was already aware of the answer though he had a tiny bit of hope left in him.

"You were a patron." Alastor bluntly stated with no regard.

"When you flirted on me?"

"It was a mere compliment", Alastor conjured another chair and sat on it, holding his chin with his palm, while grinning he added, "You assumed it for something else entirely on your own."

"W-when you save me from Val on the studio? When you took care of me? When you healed me?"

Anthony finally looked up to stare at the radio demon's eyes.
He wanted to know the truth.

"Was that all only for the benefit of the hotel? Because I'm a......client?"

With the last hope he had left, he waited for Alastor's reply.

"Yes, what other reason was there for me to do such troublesome things?"

Alastor returned Anthony's gaze at him, he was quite a bit taken back that the human still hadn't shed a single tear after being led to a lie all this time. He wasn't lying really, just giving him false hope to believe in something that was totally inexistent.

And when Anthony for the second time looked down and gripped his clothe very tightly, he knew it wasn't too long until it happens. Until he breaks.

"I see..." The blonde trailed off, as Alastor raised a brow.

"Thanks for being honest. I'm glad I got to clear things up and talk to 'ya."
Anthony looked up and gave him his brightest smile.

"I've already known 'ya wouldn't like a troublesome thing like me." Anthony chuckled and playfully smacked his head. He then stood up from his seat, making the demon in infront of him surprised-which was hardly even possible. And yet he did.

"G'night!" Anthony waved his hand to Alastor as he walked away. The radio demon frozen in place couldn't utter a single word, as he watch his figure drift away.

Charlie was feeling giddy. Although yesterday night's incident made her succumb to having a crazy drink fest at the bar. But tonight however, will make her want to drink for something entirely different, she wanted to celebrate the new couple!

She let out a very childish giggle just imagining it.
Anthony and Alastor being together has truthfully came out as a shock to her, she knew Alastor wasn't too keen on romance, or helding any apparent emotion at all except bloodshed and bloody murder. Yet look at him now!
Giving nice gestures, saving Anthony a lot of times, being protective of him.
Psssh. He could lie to satan but not to Charlie she knew the oh so great radio demon was in love.
Even if he denies it himself.

The demon princess was finally done with all the check ups in the now unoccupied rooms. She sighed to herself, maybe getting a lot of tenants in one go was impossible. She should take it easy from now on.

And it's not all that bad. She still have one client left. Angel dust.

Charlie took note of visiting his room before going to her office and do some paperwork.
Just thinking of throwing the documents of her past clients made her sad, moreover since she was boasting about her achievement of making a lot of demons redempt to her father that one time. She can already imagine it, his father the ruler of hell Lucife Magne, with his infamous grin, smirking to her smugly while saying 'I told you so'.
Ugh. That really irritates her. But she knew it was the truth so she has no right to get angry.
She could literally cry right now-

Charlie stopped her tracks when she heard a sob erupt from one of the many rooms in the hall. She immediately run and made her way to the direction where she heard the noise most.
And then, before she knew it, she was standing outside of Angel dust's room.

Charlie didn't waste any time to knock on the door.

"Anthony are you there?" She asked softly.
She sighed in relief when the door was opened,but not entirely. The blonde human was peeking at the gap on the door."..C-Charles?"

Her heart almost broke when she saw Anthony, but it wasn't his usual appearance.
Not only were tears streaming on his cheeks, his clothes were all wrinkled and the emotion that his face held, it wasn't just sad.

He was devastated.

And she might have already guessed the reason behind it,or more simply the person behind such tragedy.

Alastor what have you done this time?

to be continued...

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