Missed you

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Arthur sighed as he opened the door to an empty apartment, his hopes of Merlin being home now dead.

Merlin has been on a business trip for the past 2 weeks in LA, leaving Arthur home without him for the first time in 2 years. Arthur was extremely proud of his boyfriend for starting up his own designing company and the thought of some of the biggest designing companies in the world wanted his clothes for fashion shoots made him incredibly happy.

Still, being without him- waking up in an empty bed and eating take out because Merlin was the cook- made him want to cry. It had been weeks since he had seen Merlin, they had video chatted a few times and even had phone sex one night when Arthur was extremely horny, but it wasn't enough. He needed Merlin to physically be there, to make him food, to play with his hair to help him sleep and do things to him with that mouth of his.

He kept telling himself Merlin would be home later in the night and he just had to wait a few more hours.

Arthur stepped inside the cool apartment, tossing his keys into the bowl beside the door, taking his shoes off and flopping onto the couch. He was instantly hit with a smell of lavender and apple, or more specifically, Merlin. He pulled the Merlin-smelling blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped himself in it, pulling it up around his nose and breathing in the wonderful scent of his boyfriend that made him equal parts happy and horny.

With Merlin gone for two weeks, Arthur only had his right hand to please himself. Which was perfectly fine during his teenage years and even early adolescence but as soon as he met Merlin, he soon started pleasing Arthur in a way he didn't think possible. Sure, Arthur could get an orgasm or two from his own hand, but he didn't get the same feeling of being loved and worshiped as he did with Merlin.

Startling out of his thoughts by the sound of a car engine, Arthur bolted upright and listened as the car got closer and closer until he saw the headlights shining on the wall.

He was quick to shove the blanket onto the ground, scrambling to his feet and rushing to wards the door. He bounced up and down on the balls of his feet as he heard a car door open and close followed by footsteps crunching against the gravel driveway.

The very second he heard keys jingling, he pulled the door open and the breath was instantly knocked out of his lungs. Merlin stood in the doorway, his black hair messily ruffled, in tight skinny black jeans and a white dress shirt with the top 3 buttons undone, revealing his pale smooth chest.

Arthur snapped out of his daze and lunged forward, wrapping his arms around Merlin's shoulders and pulling him flush against his chest. He buried his nose in his lovers hair and breathed in the smell that could only be described as Merlin.

"Arthur, can't breathe" Merlin chuckled. Arthur instantly let up his grip, pulling back to cradle Merlin's face in his hands and take in everything he had missed for the past 2 weeks before pressing his lips softly against his.

Merlin hummed, stepping forward to get a better angle as he felt Arthur's tongue run across his bottom lip but pulled away before it could go any further.

"let me get settled first, yeah?" Merlin chuckled, leaning in to place a quick kiss to Arthur's cheek before he stepped inside and headed towards the kitchen.

Arthur followed closely behind, not wanting to leave Merlin's general space so soon after not seeing him for 2 weeks.

He watched as Merlin draped some clothes wrapped in plastic over the kitchen stools, most likely the designs that didn't make the cut.

Merlin walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, leaning against the kitchen counter as he sipped. Arthur watched the enticing movement of his adam's apple bobbing and swallowed thickly when he familiar heat pool in the pit of his stomach.

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