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Arthur felt his stomach clench as another wave of sickness rushed over him. He tried desperately to just close his eyes and ride it out but as soon as he felt the bile move up his throat he shot off the lounge and ran to the bathroom, almost running into a wall. He just managed to flick the light on and kneel beside the toilet before he threw up a good amount.

He groaned as he flushed the toilet and sat down, resting his head on the lid as his entire body shook. He had been sick for about two days now. At first it started with small sniffles he put down to allergies. Then, sniffles turned into coughs which his boyfriend Merlin made him take medicine for, and then a cough turned into sweating and vomiting. Merlin took time off to look after him but he got called into the hospital and left Arthur with soup and warm blankets.

It was weird being alone when he was sick. Merlin was always there with him, keeping him well hydrated and forcing medicine down his throat every few hours. It felt so lonely and quiet in their huge apartment all by himself, just him and the TV.

"Arthur?" he heard his boyfriend call out from the living room. Arthur couldn't reply, his throat felt like glass shards were scraping every inch.

"Oh baby" Merlin smiled sadly as he walked over and brushed a piece of hair from Arthur's head, wincing when his fingers came in contact with his forehead. "You're burning up"

Arthur could do nothing but smile slightly, his entire body felt so weak he could barely keep his eyes open. He hadn't even noticed Merlin left the room until he came back holding a glass of water and some pills.

"Here, sit up and drink slowly" Merlin instructed as he helped Arthur sit up. He brought Arthur's hands to the cup and helped him take the pills, praying he wouldn't just throw it back up. It was at this moment Merlin noticed Arthur had a little bit of vomit on his shirt.

He put the glass on the sink before going to their bedroom an getting him a pair of clothes. He ran the shower and once the temperature was good enough he bend down beside Arthur, smiling fondly as he had fell asleep.

"Arthur" He whispered as rubbed his arm, smiling when his eyes weakly fluttered open. The way Arthur was looking back at him with hazy eyes, cheeks flushed and hair astray made Merlin's entire body warm.

Merlin helped Arthur to his feet, catching him when he stumbled slightly. He understood the feeling of being so sick you couldn't even stand, Merlin had a weak immune system so he got sick easily.

Merlin sat Arthur down on the edge of the bath and took his shirt off, careful as to now touch the vomit. He was actually surprised he didn't gag, he usually couldn't stand the smell of throw up, which didn't exactly help when he was a nurse.

Once Arthur was out of his clothes he grabbed Arthur's arm and put it under the water as a way of making sure it was a good temperature.

"It's cold" Arthur shivered.

"It's not, you're just really hot" Merlin smiled fondly.

"It's still cold"

Merlin rolled his eyes and helped Arthur into the bathtub, quietly humming as the blonde tried not to fall asleep. He was already weak enough but the feeling of Merlin's nails rubbing shampoo into his hair sent him into an all new feeling of relaxed.

"How long have you been feeling sick?" Merlin asked after a while of comfortable silence, the only sounds that could be heard was the shower running and Merlin's soft humming.

"A few days, I only started throwing up today" Arthur smiled weakly.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have stayed home from work and helped"

"Because I didn't think I was this sick, plus I'm the one who takes care of you" Arthur said as he tried to hide the fact he was enjoying Merlin taking care of him.

Merlin smiled and turned off the water, wrapping a towel around Arthur's waist as he helped him out of the bath and sat him on the edge as he began to dry his hair. Arthur sat contently as Merlin gently dried his hair, making sure not to be too rough as he had a headache.

After Merlin had gotten him in fresh clothes he helped Arthur to their bed and gently sat him down. Arthur watched as Merlin changed out of his work clothes and scurried around the room before climbing into the bed, pulling Arthur down with him.

Arthur smiled as he nuzzled into Merlin's neck, placing a gentle kiss on his collar bones as Merlin played with his hair. Merlin stopped playing with his hair once he realised Arthur had fallen asleep, lowly sliding further down in the bed and covering himself with the blankets before snuggling into his boyfriend's arms.

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