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When Merlin imagined himself on his knees in front of Arthur, he had pictured something a little more romantic. He imagined them to be in Arthur's chambers, their lips connected in a passionate kiss surrounded by some candles lighting the room just enough to see the lust in each other's eyes.

 Except here he was, on his knees in front of his prince avoiding his gazes as the blonde's eyes as they burned through his skull.

A group of guards had burst into his room in the middle of the night and dragged him harshly by his arms to the room where he was now waiting for his fate. At first he thought the worst part was seeing the confused but hurt looks in his friends eyes when they were forced to be so rough with their friend, but as soon as Arthur burst through the door he knew this was the worst part.

Merlin couldn't possibly face his Prince in this situation so he simply looked down at the wooden floors below him, counting every single scuff mark. He had promised himself if he ever got caught he would accept his fate and wouldn't put up a fight, so he was simply keeping to his word like he always had.

Arthur too was having a hard time getting his head around everything and keeping his emotions in check. At first he was confused when he was called to the throne room in the middle of the night,  he thought for sure it was a joke or something. Now he was angry and hurt, as bad as it sounds, he felt sick to his stomach when he met the gaze of his manservant. 

"Merlin" Arthur spoke, voice just above a whisper.

 Upon hearing his words, the combined murmurs of the room hushed into quiet whispers. Everyone was talking about how Merlin, the boy that everyone had loved and trusted, the boy who would go out of his way to help anyone, commoner or royalty, was a traitor. It took everything in Merlin's power not to stand up and defend himself, instead he bit his tongue and refused to meet anyone's gaze.

"Why are you here Merlin?" Arthur spoke a little louder.

When Merlin finally did have the courage to look up and meet Arthur's gaze, he immediately regretted it. The look in the Princes eyes made him want to curl up into a ball and cry until he passed out from exhaustion. His normally bright blue eyes were filled to the brim with tears which wouldn't fall, his lips were turned into a scowl. He held the same expression whenever he found out someone in Camelot was a traitor, which is just what he saw Merlin as.

Uther stood up from his throne and walked towards Merlin with his hands behind his back as if to keep himself restrained from strangling the boy right there and then. "Merlin here has been accused of sorcery. If he pleads guilty he will be burned at the stake in the morning . If he denies what we all know is true, he will be thrown into the cells until we have proof of his wrong doing. Either way, he will die as the traitor he is" 

"Merlin, is what my father saying true? Are you a... sorcerer?" The last part came out as a whisper. Arthur had such envy towards the magical he could barely bring himself to say the name.

Merlin slowly lifted his head up and looked right into his eyes before he nodded. The look in Arthur's eyes made him hang his head in defeat as he waited for a move to be made.

"Very well then. Take him to the cells, he will be executed tomorrow " Uther clapped his hands in front if him with as his face broke out into an evil grin.

"I'm sorry, Arthur. I'll see you again when the time is right" Merlin smiled sadly as the guards pulled him onto his feet and pushed him towards the door.

Arthur tried to say something, anything, but all that came out were a few strangled grunts and whispers. He was so confused, how could Merlin be a sorcerer? Merlin, the boy who couldn't even walk on his own two feet without tripping over nothing? Merlin, who he had trusted with his life, Merlin who had sacrificed his own life for his prince?

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