"You also find me cute when I'm angry, happy, smiling, working, bored, and asleep." She counted off on her fingers.

"What can I say, you're always cute."

"Let's just go before I change my mind." Sophie said, though she was still smiling, the shake of her head causing her ponytail to swish from side to side.

Keefe never got up so fast, he offered his arm to Sophie. "Shall we?"

Sophie laughed, hooking her arm in his. "Sure, Keefe."

"I should've known you wouldn't finish the line." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Always gotta stand out from the crowd, don't 'cha Foster?"

Sophie halfheartedly smiled, though she didn't laugh.

Maybe she was tired of sticking out in the crowd.

Maybe once, just once, they could just let her blend in with everyone else.

"You okay?" Keefe asked noticing her sudden mood shift. "If it was something I said, I'm-"

"No, it wasn't you. I'm okay." Sophie shot him a reassuring smile but he must have felt her blatant lie.


"Keefe, just drop it. Really, I'm fine."

He frowned but didn't pressure her further.

They walked outside, their bodyguard entourage following them the whole way. They walked down the cliff side, following the path all the way to the shore.

Sophie and Keefe took off their shoes, walking close enough to the water so their feet would be gently lapped with waves every now and again, but not so close that their feet were submerged in the water.

"I just love the ocean." Sophie said. "Don't you?"

"Foster, are you replacing me?" He placed a hand on his chest in mock offence.

Sophie playfully shoved him in the shoulder. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Well, what does the ocean have that I don't?"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "The ocean's huge. It connects everything, every living thing and every land mass. Don't you ever think about that?"

"No." He admitted, plain and simple.

"It so big, doesn't the ocean make you feel small? It makes me feel like every small thing in our lives is insignificant compared to just how many people are out there in the world. It makes me wonder how many people out there are struggling, like us."

Keefe looked at her for a moment. "Yeah, I doubt that many people are dealing with interspecial war and a murderous rebel group."

She playfully bumped against his side again. "You're hopeless." She joked. "The ocean, it always makes me feel better. It reminds me I'm not alone in this world."

"You're not."

"I know, but it's nice to have a reminder. This world, the universe is so vast I doubt anyone will ever find the end to it. It makes whatever drama is happening in our little lives seem pretty fucking small in comparison, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," he said softly. "I get that."

They walked in silence for a while longer, each of them wrapped up in their own thoughts until Keefe stopped her. He turned her around and wrapped his arms around her.

"Uh Keefe? What are you-" Sophie tried to ask, her words muffled against his shirt.

He shushed her, "Just," he paused. "Stand with me for a bit, okay?"

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