"No. its not because of you Im crying. I am sorry." I said wiping my tears.

Suddenly a women came next to him looking at us confused.

"What is happening here honey?" She asked with confusion putting a hand on his shoulder making him look at her then he shrugged. Then Nelly appeared.

"Hey whats going on Scar?" she asked worriedly.

"Nothing I'm good." I said.

"You look like you were crying."

"No I am not there is something entered my eyes so It made me tear up a little." I smiled at her.

"Do you know her sis?" The handsome guy said to Nelly.

"Hey she is Scarlet. Adam's new assistant. And Ethans sister." She introduced me to him.

"Nice to meet you. I am François Adams brother. And this is my wife lily." He pulled his hand to shake.

"Its nice to meet you Scarlet." I shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"We have heard a lot about you." Lily said giving me a wink.


"Yes honey I think Adam is really attracted to you." François said with a warming smile.

"No way, he is my boss and my brother best friend."

"If this stupid boy didn't make you his wife one day I will kill him." Nelly said.

"Wife? Whats wrong with you Nelly." I laughed a little.

"YEH WIFE, cause why not? you are really sexy and cute with a very beautiful personality and the most important that You're from us." She said but when she realized what she had said her eyes widened I wonder what did she mean about 'one of us'?

"What do you mean that I am from you?" I asked confused looking at her then looked at her brother and his wife they were glaring at her.

"That you are his assistant and he is your brothers best friend so it will be so romantic." She said with a worried smile. Her eyes is telling me there is something fishy.

"Lets go Adam is waiting for you." Lily said trying to change the subject.

"Okay lets go then." We walked inside the ceremony hall, we found Adam standing with my brother talking but when he saw me coming towards then he said something to Ethan which made Ethan to return and look at me smiling then he faced Adam. Ethan seemed that he said something to Adam that made him frown and look around trying to find someone.

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" I asked.

"About how ugly you look like." Ethan said teasing me. I punched his arm.

When I looked at Adam he seemed to be looking for someone then he raised his hand waving for someone to come when I return to see who it was Aron.

"Scarlet let begin the ceremony everyone has arrived." Adam said and I gave him a nod before elbowing my Brother shoulder signaling for him to talk with him away from them. We walked a little far from them as not to hear us.

"Ethan I want you to put the charity money for me with that unknown name."

"Why don't you do it with your real name?"

"First of all I feel like when someone know the amount of money that I put in charity it wont be charity and second of all the reason you and I know."

"But he has disappeared Scarlet and even if anyone here knows him they will never know you."

"What if they do searches about me and found out that I have changed my name to my recent name."

"You know that I will protect you."

"No Ethan I dont want to drag anyone into my disaster again." I whispered a yell glaring at him.

"But I am your brother. You should let me help you out of your disaster." He said with angry low tone that no one could hear us.

"What is the disaster you are in Scarlet!" Said a very familiar deep voice that it made me not wanting to look at.


What disaster is scarlet in? And who is that person they were talking about?
Would she find her way out by herself ?

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