She smirks. "There are some benefits to being the only girl on the team. And don't worry, I won't be cramping your style much longer. Kai and I have finally found a house and new location for our blacksmith's shop in Ninjago City. As soon as the insurance money from the fire comes in, we're going to close on it."

"Aww! But without you, it's going to be literally boring around here. Wu's going to make me train all the time!"

"We can still hang out outside of the monastery. Well, as long as Kai lets us. You know how he is about me and school." She sighs. "I can't believe he made me quit work at the autobody shop. We need money."

"I'm sorry, Nya. I know it stinks." I grab the cereal box, running off to hide it under my bed. Wu hates going in the bunkroom, since it smells like...well, mostly like Cole. He hardly ever spends the night, but when he does, he always manages to stink up the place. I would say it was Kai or Jay, but Kai cares too much about how he smells, and Jay...well, whenever he knows he's going to be around Nya, he makes sure to wear deodorant. I guess Cole just hasn't found his incentive yet.

I come back out to see Nya ready with a backpack and a bag of gummi worms.

"These are for you," she smiles weakly. " know, do the thing that I'm really bad at."

"To apologize?" I grin.

"Yeah, that."

I wrap her in a hug. "I love you, Nya, and I wanted to let you know that I'm sorry, too."

"Thanks. All's forgiven."

We head outside. I begged my mom not to make me take the bus, and she said as long as I could find some wheels, I was allowed to drive with one passenger. My bike's still in the shop, but Nya's isn't.

No, she can't drive, but like the rest of us, she got a motorcycle for her sixteenth birthday. I keep wondering when Kai will let her practice, but it hasn't happened yet.

Nya climbs on the vehicle behind me, hugging her arms around my waist, and we zoom off to school. One of the benefits of being part of a ninja team is definitely the tech. I mean, it's not like anyone is allowed know we're ninja, but most of our vehicles are nondescript enough to take anywhere.

When I see the giant brick building looming in front of me, I feel myself quake. I am not ready for school. Yes, I love it, but it's so stressful. And now that my powers have advanced, I'm supposed to help lead the team. Plus, I keep expecting my evil father to show up any minute. He's been quiet for the past month. I know he's plotting something.

Nya smiles at me. "See you at lunch, okay? I think our schedules share the same lunch, right?"

I nod. "I'm pretty sure that's the only time we'll be able to spend together here." I hate how dissimilar our schedules are, but she's taking a lot of advanced classes.

Yes, I'm more of a stickler for grades than her, but my advisor suggested I not take advanced courses. I've been known to have the occasional stress meltdown in the past.

By lunch, I'm literally starved. They say the first day of classes is supposed to be easy and fun and all that, but that's just a lie that teachers use to lure their prey in. I'm a nervous wreck.

I'm so distracted I bump right into someone. Well, I shouldn't say 'someone'. I immediately recognize her perfume – Harumi Jade.

"Lloyd!" she squeals, grabbing onto me for balance. "How are your classes?"

"Oh, uh, hey, Rumi. They...could be better." I pull her into a gentle hug. "How are yours?"

"Boooooooooring. More boring than you!" She sends me a wink. "Hey, wanna have lunch together?"

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