If I Told You Sooner Would It Change Anything?...

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" great just great! This is all my fault! I should've never had told us to go further out!" Javelin shouted out loud, angry and upset at herself for telling herself and Laffey to go further out. They should've just listened to Ayanami and than maybe Ayanami wouldn't have been crushed underneath a gigantic tree.

" it's ok Javelin." Laffey said, trying to reassure her friend that it's ok and she isn't mad or blames her for anything.

" no it's not! I'm the one who.." Javelin said but stopping herself.

" who? Who what?" Laffey said confused. " uh.. nothing. Just I'm the one who got us into this mess..." Javelin said hiding the truth again.

Laffey shook her head and held onto Javelins hand even tighter. " than let's clean it up together." Laffey said with her signature thumbs up, seeing Javelin have back her bright and happy smile. " yeah!" Agreeing with Laffey. Now thinking up of a plan to somehow make it back to shore.

" ok so we're north of the island so we should be sailing into... Northern Sea waters!" Javelin said thinking maybe they could instead of trying to go inland go outland. Perhaps they could catch up to Z23's team.

Exactly 4 days straight Javelin and Laffey had been sailing on open waters. They started to change from steering to drifting, only turning on their engines when need be. To steer and turn northward to save on oil. Sometimes fully running their engine to give them a push forward in the direction they wanted to go.

" oi Laffey are you ok?" Javelin asked, very concerned for her friend. Knowing her ship takes more oil than hers.

Laffey was extremely tired. For the past 2 days she's been dozing off more so than usual. If that's even possible. Laffey had gotten sick the past day and it was really starting to wear on her, the cold harsh rain wasn't making it any better.

" hungry..." Laffey said feeling faint. Very weakly trying to steer her ship. The storm still hasn't lessen in fact it had gotten even worse the further they went up north. Snow began to string on their ship, making them freeze and slow down.

" great..." Javelin said stopping, her propellers suddenly stopped. Unable to move, it was too cold and froze her rudders.

Laffey's ship stopped as well, her tank was running on empty. This wasn't looking good.

All of the sudden both Laffey and Javelin bumped into someone. Or should I put, they bumped into them.

" a-a b-battleship?!" Javelin said surprised to see one. Especially in this weather.

Battleships are known to be very old ships who are built to have the strongest firepower and to be very well heavily armored. They are not to be messed.

Javelin and Ayanami got knocked to the side by the sheer force and size of the ship.

" hey!" Javelin called out, hoping they could hear her.

" over here!" Laffey called out, waving her arms to try and get her attention.

Sovetskaya Rossiya luckily was out on the deck, trying to find where Azur Lane was. The storm was making it difficult to see and stay on course and navigate.

When she heard two voices in the storm she immediately looked around to find where it was coming from.

" children?" Sovetskaya Rossiya spoke, surprised to see smaller ships sailing in this weather.

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