Sleepless Nights

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The hot feverish nights were getting to Wales.

She couldn't sleep. She kept tossing and turning. Feeling a deep heat inside.

Things had been pretty rocky with Illustrious. And she had been abstinence for a while now.

She couldn't pleasure herself since well... Illustrious is sleeping right next to her.. so..

Wales quietly left the home. Careful not to wake Illustrious, Unicorn, or her other sleeping sisters in the rooms next to them.

She just wanted to go for a walk. Trying to get these wretched thoughts and feelings out of her head. But.. it didn't help very much. In fact it probably made her feel worse because... guess who she ran into? Prinz Eugen.

Eugen of course stayed on her part of the IronBlood territory but of course the boarders to the Royal Navy were right there. An invisible line that divides the two.

Eugen saw Wales and gave her a smile. Wales of course tried to ignore Eugen.

But turned her head around to still see Eugen looking at her.

" can't sleep?" Eugen asked, wanting to start a conversation with Wales. As she hadn't talked to her for months. Knowing Wales had been avoiding her.

" like you know a thing or two about sleep" Wales retorted back. In a rude manner. Eugen chuckled hearing that remark since the IronBlood ships don't really sleep very much.

" come." Eugen said, patting her side of the territory. Wanting Wales to come sit next to her.

" I can help you vith das" Eugen said, with a smirk. Knowing where this is going Wales knew she had to get away. But... oh it was so alluring to go next to Eugen again... as they had spent quite a lot of time together in the past. In secret.

Temptations were getting to her and she knew she had to stop.

But the question was could she?...


" yo my bro whatdaya doin up so late?" Phoenix said, just coming back from a late night of work... seeing Z46 just sitting awake in her bed. (Well since you know Wichita's dorm room is built like a living room really and nothing else expect 1 bathroom. So you can see the full view/extent everywhere).

" I can't sleep" Z46 said, quietly sitting in the dark. All you could see is Z46's yellow eyes glowing in the dark. They sure do look like Siren eyes... it was very creepy- Phoenix thought but cautiously walked on over to sit next to Z46.

" I hope your not gonna turn all violent and aggressive on me..." Phoenix said, knowing that's how IronBlood ships get as the night goes further on.

Z46 just stayed quiet.

" um.. anyway I heard that IronBlood ships don't really need sleep and all that but you need at least some sleep kiddo so let's get you back to sleep" Phoenix said, trying to lay Z46 down.

" nein. I can't sleep. I don't want to." Z46 said, again. Even laying down. Refusing to go to sleep.

" why? Are you scared of the monsters?" Phoenix asked, thinking little kids must be scared of the monsters under the bed or in the closet. Lol but the bed Z46 is sleeping on is a water bed so there's clearly (get it) nothing underneath it. And Wichita has no closets. So...

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