ashton // ten.

415 19 1

I had been running around for what felt like hours, but in reality it had probably only been 10 minutes. 

My mind was clouded and time seemed to stop. I couldn't get my mind off of finding Cameron. I had to find her. 


I had been calling her name nonstop and had yet to receive a reply. She's probably out in the woods, all alone and scared. 

Something didn't make sense though. Cameron isn't the type to just run off without telling anyone. Especially in the middle of the night; she wasn't stupid. So what was she doing? 

I stopped and put my hands in my hair, tugging lightly. My breathing was starting to grow heavy and I could feel a fresh set of tears start to build behind my eyes. 

"Jesus fucking Christ, Ashton, you can't start having a panic attack now," I said to myself.

I closed my eyes and bent over, resting my hands on my knees. I started counting backwards from ten, just like my therapist had told me to do, and attempted to even my breathing. 

It wasn't working. 

I stood back up, shaking my head as I continued to walk. I would just have to get over it.


Nothing. Not even the wind decided to answer my calls.

I stopped and looked from my left to my right. There was nothing but darkness. I spun in a circle, trying to figure out where exactly I was. 

I had no idea; I was lost.

Great, now you're never going to find Cameron, and your friends are never going to find you.

I fell on my knees, and I couldn't do anything but cry. 

I was so fucking scared, not only for myself, but also for Cameron. I didn't want to think about her being in the position I was currently in; alone and scared and helpless. 

Being helpless is the worst fucking feeling in the world. 

I was getting so frustrated. I wanted to scream, I wanted to kick something. I wanted to find Cameron.

I stood up and started to run again. I had no idea in which direction, and I didn't care. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins now, my desperation giving me new found strength. 

Find Cameron.

Find Her.

Find Her.

Find Her.

That was the only thing I could think about. 

And as my mind traveled to thoughts of her smile and her adorable brown eyes, I tripped. 

I put my arms up, trying to protect my head as I hit the ground, falling onto my back. An earpiercing scream filled the air. 

Except, it wasn't my scream.

"Cameron?!" I yelled as I sat up. 

I reached into the pocket of my jeans, in search of my phone. I pulled it on and swept my finger upwards and turning on the flashlight as I held my head up. 

There she was, the love of my life laying on the forest floor. 

Bloody and beaten.

A choked sob left my lips as I took in the sight before me. I was shocked, and I couldn't move. I could only shake and let the tears fall down my cheeks for the tenth time that night. 

"A-Ashton," she said quietly, reaching a hand out towards me. I shook my head and attempted to sit up and pull her into my arms. 

But I was stuck in place. 

really couldn't move. It felt as if someone was pushing down on my shoulders and chest, pinning me to the ground. I started twisting around, trying to shake off the invisable force. 



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