michael // two.

722 31 7

**italicized writing means that it's back in time

"So, are we all familiar on what happened here?" I asked.

Cam raised her hand,"refresh my memory?"

I nodded, leaning forward a bit and resting my forearms on my bent knees.

"Okay, so...in 1967, Ethan Carver and his girlfriend, Tiffany Williams, came out here to spend the weekend together..."

Harsh wind was blowing around the two teen's faces. They sat huddled inside their tent, attempting to stay at least a little warm in the cold January night. It had been such a stupid idea for Ethan to bring Tiffany to Lake Willow on such a cold night. But, he had simply wanted to spend time with his platinum blond, big boobed girlfriend.

Ethan was the boy at school everyone was envious of. He had killer grades, a nice car, and the prettiest girl in the entire town on his arm. Everyone wondered how he did it.

Ethan would never reveal his secret to anyone.

He made a pact with the devil. Literally.

He came out to Lake Willow late one night, not wanting anyone to disturb him during the process, and read the script out loud.

And he lit the candles.

And he drew the pentagram.

He followed every instruction perfectly.

He didn't intend for it to work. And he especially didn't intend on having it turn into such a big thing, actually. Ethan's father was abusive, and he had seen all of the movies where idiots made stupid little deals with Satan to get whatever it was they wanted. He had just wanted his dad to stop using him and his mom as punching bags.

And when he realized that his little trick had worked, after they had found his dad's car in the bottom of Lake Willow, he wondered what else he could do.

Every time there was something that Ethan was wanting or in need of, he would make the trip to the lake.

He would take the sharp knife and cut a slit into his palm, watching as the blood dripped into the center of the pentagram.

He would stand there and chant in the unfamiliar language that he had waken up with in his head one early morning.

He would listen to the voices chant back at him, telling him what to do in order to claim his prize.

And he always did it.

At first, it had been simple things.

Things that didn't end with a dead body in Ethan's arms. But the more Ethan craved, the more drastic his tasks became.

He ended up receiving everything he had ever wished for.

Including Tiffany.

He was never caught. His victims were never even found.

Well, all except for three unfortunate young boys.

And the many people he killed after he was dead.

"E-Ethan," Tiffany whispered as she scooted closer to her boyfriend.

"Yes, darling?"

"It's f-freezing."

Ethan sighed, dragging a hand through his greased hair, "I know Tiff, I know."

As the young couple slowly drifted to sleep in the safety of their tent, three teenagers started the long hike into the forest, towards the lake.

Three teenagers that had figured out Ethan's little game.

And in the morning, two bodies were found laying in a pool of crimson blood.

Three more were found hanging from the tree branches with pentagrams carved into their wrists.

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