calum // six.

512 22 2

Scary stories were never really my thing.

But for some reason, I felt compelled to tell one tonight.

I could feel Mack's eyes on me, causing me to briefly look down.

She's perfect.

I kissed her nose, sweeping her long dirty blonde hair behind her.

I needed to get my mind back onto the stories.

But I could sit here all night just admiring her.

Caitlin cleared her throat loudly.

She always ruins the moment.


I stared at Mack for another moment before turning my attention back to the task at hand.

"Alright...I believe this happened in 1975..."

Destiny Elders had always always enjoyed coming out to Lake Willow on her time off. She found sitting by the water peaceful.

She would spend hours upon hours out on the dock, swinging her feet over the side. The tips of her toes would touch the water every so often, and she would giggle at the coldness.

Ethan had always loved her giggle.

He wanted to be the reason behind it.

But, he wanted to hear her scream in agony more than he wanted to hear the playful sound of her laugh.

Ethan walked up behind her, his footsteps causing Destiny to turn her head quickly. Her heart picked up speed in her chest. The stranger had startled her.

Ethan took a seat beside her, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

She nodded, nervousness coursing through her veins.

"I'm Ethan Carver."

She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remember where she had heard the name.

Destiny couldn't think of why the name felt so familiar in her mind, so she told him her's.

"Destiny. That's a pretty name," Ethan said as he placed his hand on top of hers.

Her cheeks turned bright red; she could feel the heat rush to her face.

As the two sat there and talked, the sky had turned from a clear blue to a light purple. The sun was setting, and Destiny knew that her mother would be pissed at her if she was out any later.

As she stood up to leave, Ethan pouted, "But I don't want you to leave."

"I'll come back tomorrow, yeah?"

"Why don't you just stay?"

She shook her head and laughed a little. Was this guy stupid? I mean, it was clear that he was trouble. But did he really think that she would just stay all night at a lake with a strange boy?

A boy she had just met?

Destiny suddenly felt uneasy, and she turned again, prepared to run.

But, Ethan caught her by her hair, pulling her back.

She screamed, but no one could hear her.

She struggled against his tight grip, doing anything in her power to break free.

Nothing would work.

And they never found Destiny Elder's body at the bottom of Lake Willow.

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