cameron // five.

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As I finished my story, I could sense a general uneasiness among my seven friends.

These stories were starting to get to them.

Caitlin had moved so that she was in front of Luke, sitting in between his legs. He had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, practically bounding her against him.

Kenz had her face buried in Michael's shoulder, shivering as another gust of wind blew around us. Michael rubbed her arms, warning her up.

Calum had Mack's legs draped across his lap, and he was absentmindedly tracing random shapes on the smooth skin. She stared at his hands, smiling.

And as for Ashton, he was still trailing his finger against my hip. I loved the feeling of it. I always felt so protected when I was around him.

Around him, I was safe.

Ashton has been my guardian since I can remember. Even as kids, he would always make sure that I was okay.

I still remember the day on the playground, when I fell and broke my arm. Ashton was the first one to run up to me and survey my deformed arm. He even carried me to the teacher.

That boy is my everything.

Looking at my friends again, I noticed how uncomfortable the silence was getting.

I spoke up, keeping my gaze on the ground,"Maybe we should stop with the sto-"

I was cut off by Calum,"No! No, I want to keep telling stories."

"Well Hood, if you're so eager, do you want to go next?" Caitlin asked.

He nodded and I watched as he surveyed the ground.

I wonder which story he's going to tell.


AN // okay so I know that this chapter was short, but I don't know what else to write without having it drag on.

Because of this short update, I'll probably do a double update tonight.

Remember to vote if you enjoyed! And you can also leave me comments if you waaaaant.

I love you guys, and thank you for all of the support!


ghost stories • 5sosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz