luke // eight.

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Feeling Caitlin tense beside me was enough to almost make me stop telling the story. Almost.

But, maybe her being afraid was a good thing. It gave me an excuse to hold her closer to me.

Everyone was a little freaked out at this point, especially Calum. He was being so paranoid; he was constantly turning around, looking out into the darkness behind us.

I cleared my throat, grabbing his attention, as well as everyone else's.


Dan Lester and Holland Rose always enjoyed weekends away from home. The couple loved doing anything from surfing on the shores of California to rock climbing in the deserts of Nevada.

This weekend, they had decided to go camping. And Lake Willow was the perfect spot.

After they had gotten their camp site built, the two lovers decided to go fishing after their long day. They stood at the end of the dock with their poles, casting their lines into the water.

Every now and then, Dan would turn towards Holland and simply kiss her cheek. It infuriated Ethan, who was watching from behind the trees.

Why should Dan get to be with the love of his life if Ethan could not?

So later that night, as the young couple lay fast asleep, Ethan crept into the tent.

He noticed the two fishing poles laying in the corner, and he slowly began to unwind them until a decent amount of line was accessible.

Taking the wire in his hands, he quickly wrapped it around Dan's neck before doing the same to Holland.

Somehow, neither of them had woken up yet.

Ethan picked up the fishing pole, turning the knob, and tightening the line.

Dan Lester.

Holland Rose.

The only thing recovered from the crime scene were the two golden engagement rings sitting neatly on their pillows.

Bodies never found.

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