caitlin // fourteen.

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I hadn't noticed the marks on my chest until Luke brought me against his body. But now, they were burning, and they hurt like hell.

I closed my eyes, holding my hands over my wounds, trying to put pressure on the scratches to stop them from bleeding. They were pretty deep, and they appeared out of no where. I would remember doing something to earn this kind of injury, but I didn't remember anything.

Luke had tears running down his cheeks as he slid my shirt off, bunching it up and grabbing my wrist to move my hands away from my chest. He put the cloth up to the scratches and held it there.

I looked into his eyes as we stood there. They looked so full of worry, as well as guilt.


Why would he feel guilty?

I brought a hand up and cupped his cheek,"Luke, baby...this isn't your fault, you didn't do this."

He closed his eyes, shaking his head back and fourth.

I stood on my tiptoes, kissing his jaw. My 5 foot 6 body was no where near tall enough to reach his lips.

"Luke, what are you thinking about?"

"It's my fault," he mumbles.

"How is this your fault?"

He shrugged, looking down,"you don't understand Cait..."

"Luke these scratches don't have anything to do with you. I probably just ran into a tree or something, that's all," I said as I stroked his cheek.

He still looked upset, but I sighed and let go of the subject.

He was just too hard on himself sometimes.

He pulled the shirt back and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from wincing. I knew that if I let him see that it hurt, he would be even more upset at himself.

The bleeding hadn't stopped, and my shirt was completely soaked through. The red liquid just kept pouring out of my chest.

He quickly put the shirt back, not wanting to look at them.

"I just want this to be over," he sighed.

I looked down. As much as I wanted to be at home in my own bed while cuddled against Luke, I knew that after this trip, we would only have a short amount of time together before we were states away and going to different schools.

I took a step towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned down, resting his forehead against mine, still not looking into my eyes, but keeping them on the shirt.

"Hey, look at me..." I whispered to him.

He shook his head, so I reached forward and tilted his chin up.

His eyes were still glossy and red. I didn't understand why he was so upset. Maybe he was scared?

I sighed, biting my lip before kissing him softly. His instantly kissed me back. It didn't last long, but it was full of so much passion. His lips were comforting, they were the only familiar thing to me right now. Kissing Luke was so natural.

I pulled back, our foreheads leaving each other the same moment our lips disconnected. I kept my eyes closed for a moment, but they shot open as I heard Luke let out a loud scream.

He was staring at my body as my eyes began to scan over his. There were scratches all over our skin, just like the ones that were originally on my chest.

The pain soon started, the burning becoming unbearable. It hurt so bad that I couldn't even cry or yell out for help. The pain, and the loss of blood, was making me go light headed. And it was clear on Luke's face that he was feeling the same way. 

Our eyes met as we both collapsed, our worlds going black.

At least I was holding him as I took my last breath.

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