Start from the beginning

Sighing out a grumbled breath, I unlock my phone and pull up the article draft that Cara had sent me. A member of our team had worked on it after hours in hopes of publishing it by the start of Monday morning. There is a picture gallery attached, all of Harry and Kendall sat at a restaurant, laughing and talking to one another in very close proximity.

Without speaking, I shove my phone in his face as he takes it from my hands and slides his ring-clad finger over the screen.

"What is this? How did you get this?" He hands my phone back to me, giving me such a puzzled look. Shit, he doesn't really know about THEMEGA thing yet. I guess he will now...

"I'll explain it to you after you explain to me what was going on there." My tone is short and I don't really mean to come across as rude, but I do. The look on Harry's face alerts me that he isn't very pleased with my attitude at the moment. Shrugging my shoulders slightly and sighing aloud, I sit down on the couch next to him, but leave quite a bit of space between us.

He looks at me as if he is trying to analyze what is going on in my head. Biting his lip slightly, he takes a deep breath and leans back on the throw pillow, swinging his arm across the back of the couch as his fingers just barely touch my shoulder. Words begin to fly out of my mouth before he has the chance to speak.

"Look, if you are still in love with her or whatever, that's fine. I would just like to know considering I just introduced you to Ginny and-" Before I can finish, I am cut off by him scooting closer to me and cutting my sentence off.

"Woah, woah, let's back up a minute. I think you have all of this wrong." He gives me a stern look, kind of like the one you might get from your father if you tried sneaking out on a Friday night.

"Then enlighten me! Because I was actually starting to feel like I could trust you, but then I see this and I don't know what else to think! I don't have time for this kind of drama, Harry..." I sound utterly frantic, but I couldn't care less. I need answers because my feelings depend on them.

In one quick movement, Harry jumps up from the couch and throws his hands in the air in frustration. I can see the annoyance visibly building in him.

"Drama? If there's any drama, it is with you!" Now I am the one who is stunned. I wasn't expecting Mr. Treat People With Kindness to unleash any sort of frustration toward me. Although, I suppose you should never underestimate people. Even with his audible irritation, there is no aggression in his voice. I don't feel any fear and I know I am still safe with him.

"Excuse me?" Standing up, I match his level and place my hands on my hips, quite frankly giving him the stereotypical mom look I give Ginny whenever she says something far too bossy for her own good. With our eyes locked on one another, we stand facing each other with only a foot or two between us.

"I'm really patient with you, Amber, and I am trying my hardest to let this happen your way, but I just-I don't know...You're the one who has been pushing me away, even though you were the one who said I needed to put in the effort to get to know you. And I felt like things were moving in the right direction..." He shakes his head and breaks our gaze.

"Were?" I croak out. Does he not think things are okay anymore?

"Yeah, they were, until right now!" He throws his hands up in exacerbation. I can tell this is really frustrating for him, and it is definitely my fault. "I think my feelings for you have been fairly obvious, so forgive me if I am seen out with someone else when you haven't given me much to work with."

There is no malice in his tone, yet somehow I feel like curling up in a ball and crying. There is still a softness to his attitude despite how irritated he is. I don't understand what he is trying to say. Is my fear of not being worth it coming true?

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