To his relief, she did soon however wear her actual clothes, which had more layers and kept her warmer.

Then she saw him. He watched as she unlocked the door and stared at him surprised and confused.

"When exactly did you get here?"

"Oh just now."

"Just now? As in right now?"

"Sure," he said.

He watched as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Why do you ask that? Did you do something that I am not supposed to know of?" He asked.

"Nope. Nothing at all."

"Ah. Nothing other than locking me out I suppose," he said closing and locking the balcony door behind him, smiling as she nodded furiously.

"I should probably punish you for that," he whispered to her, watching as her face went red again.

"Now what should I do to you?" He asked tapping his chin.

Honestly seeing her playing around in the room on her own had already made up for it. But she did not need to know that.

"Okay I want you to... bark like a dog," he said.

"Really?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"What did you think I was going to do? Besides it's a punishment it's supposed to make sure you never want to do it again."

"Fine," she sighed.


"You sound like a little pup," he laughed.

"Its not my fault that humans are not designed to bark, unlike you," she laughed.

"I don't bark. I howl."

"Sure you do," she giggled ruffling his hair with her hands.

"Aww it looks so cute messed up like this," she laughed.

"Well I don't thin—"

"You should wear it like this every day!"

"You want me to go to meetings looking as if I have just woken up?"

"Or have finished a run around the forest."

"You crazy little thing."

"So is that a Yes?"

"Its a big no."

"But it adds personality to you hair."

"Hair is not supposed to have personality."

"Not when your hair looks like it does."

"Okay so what personality does your hair have?"

"I don't know. You tell me," she laughed.

"Bubbly, bouncy and chaotic," he said.

"And why do you say that?"

"Your curls are all over the place all the time. Also do you know how hard it is to resist playing with those twirly strands of hair," he said.

"I am not that bubbly or bouncy!"

"Not always. There are times when you are super defensive and closed off but then there are times like these when you are just adorable."

"Why is everyone calling me cute today?!"

"Well you are. Especially when you are blushing."

"You're almost exactly like Lily just you don't pester me for details because you are the one doing the things to begin with," Maddy sighed.

"And you love it."

"I never said that."

"Because you get too shy."

"I am not shy."

"Then why do you blush so hard."

"I am not blushing right now."

"But I can make you blush."

"And how would you do that?"

"Is that a challenge?"

"No it's a question."

"Maybe I should answer it with a demonstration."

"I think not."

"Well it's too late because I have already made up my mind, my little Mads."

Maddy got up quickly, running just as he reached to grab her hips.

"Stay still you little minx, I am going to make you blush," he exclaimed chasing her around the room.

Xavier then blocked her path and grabbed her. He spun them around and fell with her onto the bed, effectively caging her to the mattress.

"Still not blushing," she said.

"Really? Not at all? Guess I will have to tickle you," he sighed.

"No no no no!" She squealed struggling as he held her wrists in one hand and pinned them above her head. He then trapped her legs between his and with his free hand he began to tickle his mate, effectively torturing her and making her burst out laughing as her cheek became red.

"There we go, now your cheeks are nice and red," he smirked kissing her nose and releasing her.

"I'm going to kill you!" She exclaimed running after him.

"Are you kitten?" He asked amused.

The Street Rat And The AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now