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It was a cold morning. It was dark when the crowds had begun to gather. A young woman stood on a wooden platform dressed in clothes befitting the rank of a queen. She wore a long dress that floated to the ground and a cape tipped and lined with white fur. Her long brown tresses were braided and twisted into a bun, holding up a crown of diamonds and gems. Far behind her were her closest. Her guard and her mate, two wolves in human form in their formal uniforms. The most powerful wolves of the kingdom were vigilant in protecting their precious queen. Nothing was to touch her as she made history.

Queen Maddie was marking a new age. She was going to be the one to change the Kingdom for good. No one was going to stand in her way as she abolished the cruel system of oppression and slavery that had wrecked their world. The first human queen granted any power, the first human to make a speech that would be broadcast to the entire kingdom and her first official speech as queen.

"For too long has the divide between humans and the supernatural wrecked havoc on this kingdom. Abuse, exploitation and sadistic acts have been aimed at humans for too long. The fact that the supernatural can mix with humans and have human mates proves that humans are no different from wolves and vampires. Each should be judged on merit or wealth not race.

Humans shall be given the same platform, the same opportunities granted to wolves and vampires. Hunting, enslaving and selling of humans is hereby outlawed. All humans will be paid for their efforts.

I understand that this may burden many who have historically owned slaves but compensation will be owed by those who can be proven to have hurt, killed and or enslaved humans to those humans or their families. The inability to show any emotion to humans is a failure in oneself that will not be left as is.

If sufficient facilities are available humans may be kept not as slaves but as willing servants who are to be paid fairly for their work and be treated the same as any supernatural employee in the same position would.

This is the first step in our efforts to take a step forward in the injustices in our kingdom. I am aware this may cause many issues but I believe in time we can overcome this and create a more united society.

In an effort to find efficient ways to implement this, Imperial Princess Lilliana, Captain of the Royal Guard will be going to the Empire of Dragons who have encountered and overcome similar issues in the past."

The King began to walk forward. The wind swept against his hair as he slid his hand in with his wife's. He watched the crowd as they began chanting. They knew what was next as the big event neared.

He began, "To mark this change I will be executing Lady Ivera for her multiple counts of treason. For kidnapping and inflicting harm on two members of the royal family and unlawful possession and use of silver and wolfsbane. For these counts, she has been sentenced to death by guillotine. The newly listed crimes of slavery, abuse of humans, which will be known as abuse, among others that will be officially outlined in days to come, will not be charged as they were not illegal at time of crime. Same will go for anyone till the date crimes are officially made illegal, which will be soon."

Maddy squeezed his hand hard. She was nervous and excited. Days had gone into planning the announcement and execution. Humans had been inferior for centuries. It was a tall order to give them freedom, but she was extremely happy. She only wished she could have been born in the new era rather than when she was. The suffering she had endured was not pretty and many humans like her would continue to suffer for a long time but it would get better, no more running for their lives to escape legal arena games and being hunted.

She was nervous of course, a horrible woman who had tortured her was going to lose her head. How would people react? She knew people would hate her announcement. Humans could face some backlash for her announcement but she knew she would more so regret not doing it. She knew supernaturals would have humans as mates. She didn't want them to be slaves to their mates. Or to be slaves in general. It was cruel and demeaning to let the practice continue. All the injustice she and others faced would get better. Maybe not immediately but letting it just continue would never solve the problem. 

She was new to being queen, the weight of her new duties hung heavy on her shoulders and they were difficult. She was stressed and scared but there was no one else who could do what she was doing. She had help at the very least. She tried her best to keep her posture and not let the crown on her head go crashing to the floor. 

She stood firm as the monster was ushered forward. It was a cold day and she watched as Ivera shivered. Vampires certainly got cold. But she did not care. She felt some sort of justice seeing the blood of whips marking the skin of her tormentor. Was the blood streaming from her skin, while the wounds slowly healed, revolting to Maddie? Of course. She hated blood, it made her want to throw up but she would not throw up because of that woman.

Ivera was yelling and fighting to the guillotine. "Madeline! You can't do this!" Her body struggled against the guards and chains. 

She felt no remorse. She had no reason to. Her eyes were cold as she watched the vampire being shoved down onto her knees. A shiver ran through her. Death was not something she would ever enjoy but she knew there was nothing Ivera deserved more than it. She felt a hand slide in hers, fingers giving her hand a small squeeze as her mate silently encouraged her. 

Ivera's mouth was opened by a guard. Poison was poured down her throat. Maddie flinched as the vampire fought and struggled. The poison burnt against her insides as it tore at her regenerative abilities. 

She was forced into the stocks which were made of hard heavy metal. She was screaming and yelling, deranged as the King walked to the side of the contraption where the rope was tied. He wore a grin on his face. He looked at his mate who gave a firm nod and his sword sliced the rope.

A wave of silence fell over the crowd. No one said a word. Maddie clenched her fists as she stared at the decapitated head that rolled to her feet. The crimson dripping down and the lifeless eyes staring up at her made her body shake but she fought against showing it to the crowd. 

Ivera, the monster who had prevented her meeting her mother, enslaved her, kidnapped her and tortured her was finally dead. She felt a sort of relief. Her nightmares of the woman could stop. 

.                                                .


It has been a while, sorry for making you all wait. This is the chapter you have all been waiting for. In future I will probably edit it a bit to make it longer than it is now. There may be a few chapters left, I will see but chances are it will mostly be fluff and filler.

For this book I wanted to end it with Maddie getting closure and justice so in a sense this is the last main chapter. I really hope you all liked it. Over the past three or more years I put a lot of work in this book. This A/N or a new one will be updated when new information comes out such as if there will be a next book. Sadly no one succeeded in finding the hints for the potential new book which are now clear in this chapter.

Thank you for being such amazing readers and supporting me. May God Bless you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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