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Xavier jugged down a glass of wine. He was starting envy the human ability to get easily intoxicated. Even on the drinks meant for his kind, he was still struggling to get any amount of intoxicated. Nothing was distracting him from his mate. Normally he might have shrugged off her threat but he knew this time it was no little game, no joke, it was serious.

He had to choose an option that made her happy or the little light in his life would vanish. He could see her running around the ballroom. Lily was never far away. He watched as she was hunted by her new fan club and then in a terrifying twist of events left his cousin Duchess Genevieve shaking and questioning life.

She was a force to be reckoned with and she seemed to be letting out a ton of pent up rage that night. Especially at the certain duchess. If he said one word to set her off he could imagine that it would not be pretty. He had never feared her before but something had just gone off. A ticking timebomb was exploding and he really should have tried to diffuse it sooner.

She had repressed herself a lot. In no time at all she had shed who she was. It too weeks to start fitting a mask of some court lady, not nearly a perfect one, but definitely something far from who she had always been. He had let her maintain it, encouraging her. He had been wrong. He should have known better. She was frustrated and obviously he had let it go on for to long without trying to fix it. 

"King Xavier!" He smiled forcibly as Duchess Genevieve stormed to him, red cheeked and obviously embarrassed.

"Yes cousin," he said.

She clenched her gloved fists and pointed at the human nonchalantly eating cake oblivious to the woman. "That human is a nuisance with no regard to royal protocol! She is out of line, a child speaking to an elder out of turn and with such disrespect."

"That human is my Queen and yours too, regardless of whether you are a citizen of this kingdom. This is a ball hosted by the Queen and myself for Princess Lilliana, your dear sister who my queen is extremely fond of-"

"Oh I know that! Keep my dear little sister away from that menace. She is a bad influence. Ivera would be a great teacher for her."

It was loud. That name. It echoed through the hall, reaching reaching ear of a particular human queen. Her hand trembled.

The plate in her hand was gone, shattered on the floor, her cake squished up.

The entire ballroom was frozen.

Her tearing eyes stared at her mate.

"Sister how dare you! That is the Queen. It doesn't matter whether or not she is perfect!" Lily yelled shoving her sister away from her cousin.

"Immature Lilliana. Honestly it's no wonder you have no mate. Ivera would be a good teacher for you too."

Lily glanced at Maddy. The name terrified the human. Lily was traumatised too but she had managed to beat up Ivera enough to curb her own nightmares. Maddy... she hadn't.

"Xavier. I am sick of this. Is this how you want the world to treat your Queen. What on earth would your mother have thought. You could have so much more if you just let Maddy try to be even half as much of a ruler as her. Maybe this is why people don't respect Maddy and I, because you don't respect us."

Xavier opened his mouth to speak.

"Xavier. You know exactly what Ivera did to Lily and I and you don't say a word to defend us when that Ducchess tries to suggest oh maybe she is a good person. Xavier I love you but I don't think I can wait till midnight to know if you love me enough. Tell me now. You've had enough time. Make your bed and lie in it. I'm not some toy or pet you can play with and lock away all the time. I am human. I have feelings and I deserve to be treated like that."

"Do you know who you are talking to little human?" Ducchess Genevieve seethed. "No wonder Lilliana has become such a rebellious thing. She was bad enough as it was, becoming a Knight. Ridiculous. You are making it worse. Xavier—"

Maddy yelled, "Just shut up! You may be his cousin. You may be Lily's big sister but I am Queen. You will not interfere and if you try, I wonder how you would like to be barred from entering this kingdom again."

"You can't—"

"Ducchess Genevieve you have overstepped the line," Xavier growled. "Maddy is the Queen here and Ivera is a traitor who will be executed."

Maddy froze.

The King held a stern and very serious face. He seemed to have made up his mind.

"Humans may no longer be enslaved. An Act will be promulgated and the specifics will be determined but the kingdom will no longer endorse slavery or the trafficking of humans. All enterprises exploiting such practices including the Arena will be abolished."

Maddy's eyes were watering as a smile grew on her mate's lips.

He actually cared. He cared about her. She didn't expect him to do such a thing. It seemed reasonable but she knew it was difficult and that made it more special.

Finally he had chosen.

Maddy felt a heavy weight finally beginning to leave her chest. Her hands relaxed at her side and she could feel her tears dripping off her cheeks.

Humans would be free. He actually allowed it. People like her would have a chance at life, a life not necessarily like her childhood. She didn't think it would all be perfect but it would certainly be better. No running in fear of being plucked up for fights or slavery.

Children and adults, humans. They could live in some sort of peace instead of pieces. There was no way she wouldn't be happy.

She felt so happy her head was starting to get light.

"X-Xavier," she stuttered. Her hands were shaking.

She threw herself at her mate. Her arms wrapped around his neck.

She had been terrified. Terrified he didn't love her,not enough to choose her. But he had. For once he had chosen her.

There was hope. She had hope for them.

"Do you think I would really sacrifice you just because of my selfishness to keep to old ways? I enjoy my nobles satisfaction but I don't think I could live without you."

"Why did it take you so long to decide? Why couldn't you have declared that when I asked? Why wait?" She exclaimed furious despite how happy she was.

"I— I am an idiot. I had to figure out how to tell you. I had to figure out the perfect way," he admitted.

Maddy ran a finger along his cheek. "Next time don't make me wait. But thank you. It means a lot that you chose me. But it shouldn't have been so hard."

She leaned in. Her lips touched his cheek. It was softer than it looked. Her finger brushed along his lips before she lifted her lips from his cheek and pressed them to his lips.

Her hands twirled his hair and she could feel him frozen below her. His eyes were wide, surprise coated his face.

"Lily will be resuming her job too right?" She whispered in his ear.

"Of course."

She smiled, "Exactly what I like to hear."


I was hoping to make the chapter longer so it may be edited but I know people have been waiting so long for this.

Finals start in 3 weeks and I've been getting quite sick lately so I'm stressed. I can't guarantee another chapter soon but I can give information. I want to make a second book. I don't know if I'll ever actually make it but if I do it will have Lily as the main character. At first I never intended to have Lily be so important but her character became so fun to write, especially her friendship with Maddy.

Within one of the past 5 chapters there has been a hint somewhere for the book if it happens. The hint may be pretty obvious though. I don't have any rewards for whoever finds it but uh if you do well done.

Please do comment. Comments make me super happy, whether it is just a hi or even a response to something in the story.

Thank you all for your support.

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