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Maddy stared at her guard. The girl had remained selectively mute for nearly a week out of fear. Lily was nowhere near as patient as her older cousin and was trying all she could to make the young soon to be Queen break and talk.

Maddy could feel herself breaking at the show of emotion going on in front of her. Lily had lost it. She had not had much patience to begin with. Holding out for even a week for Lily was surprising.

The guard slammed her hands down on the bed. "I can't let you keep doing this Maddy! Can't you see what you're doing to my cousin!? Your mate! He can barely do anything. In every meeting his mind is not present. All he ever does is stress. Sometimes he passes out during meetings because he stays up multiple nights straight just watching you and running around the room panicked and afraid someone will hurt you or that you will wake up and possibly hurt yourself! Is this what you want? Please Maddy just say something! Please I am begging you!"

Maddy felt herself shaking and dripping with tears at the revelation. She had had no idea of what she was doing to her mate. He had held up such a strong front in front of her. He had been so reasonable and kind even though she had been so unreasonable.

"I never wanted this."

"You never wanted to be Queen so you resorted to driving us all to insanity?!"

"No. You wouldn't understand. I'm trying to protect him. I don't want Xavier to get hurt," Maddy said softly, her voice cracking from her tears.

"How is this supposed to help?!"

"I-I didn't expect him to be so... so kind and perfect. I can barely hold myself together Lily. I am going insane. I spend most of my day every day remembering those words on that paper. I expected him to abandon me. I thought he would have. He will anyway when I tell him," Maddy sobbed, unable to hold it in any longer.

"Maddy what's wrong? What are you talking about—"

"The brick. There was a note attached to it! There was a threat on it. They threatened me. They threatened him. If the coronation doesn't stop they won't kill just me but also him. He— I have never gotten close to anybody before... not as close as I have gotten to him. I don't want him to die because of me. I was just trying to distance myself. I didn't want it to hurt as much for him. I wanted to run away. I wanted to protect him!"

"Maddy you need to tell—"

"NO!! H-he'll leave me. I have out him in danger and I kept secrets from him. There is no way he could wa—"

"Maddy calm down. The only way anyone could harm him is if they had you. That note was only trying to scare you. They wanted you to try leave so they could take you— Maddy stop shaking. It's okay just breathe and calm down," Lily said trying to calm the woman down.

Maddy was shaking and sobbing. Her mind was blocking things around her out again. It sometimes did that when she was stressed in a personal way. It was doing that again.

She should never have said anything.

She should have expected such a thing to happen.

She did not know how to let out her emotions.

Before Xavier and Lily, she had had no one. She had kept everything in.

Expressing herself was new.

"Maddy please stay with me. Don't go mute again. Please Xavier needs you. Please I have sent a guard to call him. He will be here soon. Please," Lily pleaded, holding the human in her arms.

The name rang familiar. It sounded nice and warm.

Warm arms grabbed her.

Her name was repeated again and again.

The Street Rat And The AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora