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DESPITE HOW THE LEGENDS seemed to paint Morgana Le Fay to be cruel and heartless, she truly did care for her devotes and followers. So much so that she had created a guild just for them.

The Sisterhood was known for its secrecy, power and for being an only-female guild. With time, the requirements and selection process in order to get into this guild changed.

Presently, only those with special and unique talents and abilities were hand-picked from the lot of ordinary by the current leader of the Sisterhood. Then, each of the girls was taught and trained in every magical form and art for a purpose only known to the members of the Sisterhood because -to put it simply- these girls were born to be the most powerful mages in the world.

Now, how does this relate to little Calissa Potter and her weird connection with the dead, you may be wondering?

Well, read on to find out.

Well, read on to find out

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Babara Palvin as Calissa Potter a.k.a the Necromancer

a the Necromancer

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~ Author's Note ~

First of all, thank you so much for clicking on this book. This is an idea that I have played around with in my mind in the past, and I have finally gathered the courage to put it down on paper.

You can think of the Sisterhood to be sort-of inspired by the Amazons and the Hunters of Artemis, since they all too have the whole 'No Men Allowed' theme. 

I haven't really planned out the book yet and as most of you are familiar, I tend to not plan out any of my books and just let it go with the flow while hoping for the best. So please do not ask me what is going to happen next because frankly, I don't know.

Lastly, for those of you who have read my 'A Rose's Thorns' or ' The Art of Hunting Horcruxes' books, you might already know about how Calissa is the daughter of James Potter and Sirius Black, a theme that I have a tendency to repeat; but for those of you who haven't read them, basically, imagine that:

In 1981, Sirius Black had died alongside his girlfriend, Marlene McKinnon. But before he dies and due to the result of two extremely drunk Prongs and Padfoot, Sirius blood-adopted Calissa the magical way, altering her gene and making her his daughter as well. Due to Dorea Potter nee Black being James mother and thus, Calissa's grandmother, she had some dormant Black blood in her. Sirius' blood adoption strengthened her genes and made her mostly a Black with the Potter gene next to it and only gave her scarce of Lily's muggle-born blood. This makes her by law and by magic, a Pureblood and Heiress Black along with being Heiress Potter.

On that note, I know according to canon, Fleamont and Euphemia are James' parents but since this is a fan fiction AU, I'm making it Charlus and Dorea.

Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time out to read my book. It really means a lot to me and I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Keep smiling and stay safe everybody!



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